Page name: Disciples of Soth [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-11-08 02:40:44
Last author: Sheamus Finn
Owner: Sheamus Finn
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Along the an Eastern cliff on the coast of Andor stood a ruined watch tower. It wasn't much to the eye, but the more important part laid underneath in a series of chambers and catacombs. The leaders of both the Guild and the Disciples of Soth made their more nefarious plans in this place. The ruined stones and tower hid the secret entrance to the stairs down below. Guards moved in and out regularly to patrol the area keeping people away from their headquarters.

Galin paced about the room, circling hais tables of maps, charts, names to his plans. A different table for a different kingdom around the world. Most kingdoms & larger cities fearing his Disciples of Soth welcomed with open arms his Guild into their walls & borders. "Why so dour Lord Damodred, everything is progressing so well." He turned his attention to the older elf sitting against the east wall, arms folded in front of him.

"I didn't have you brought back to life to continue your insane plans of conquering this world!" He stood angrily, "And neither did I create the disciples to be used for fodder in those schemes." He fumed, he didn't trust or even like humans, but the disciples were primarily human and the Galin Ravenwood of this world proved he could be a capable leader. Now all he seemed to do was recruit men & women into his Guild & send the disciples on secretive missions. "Vengeance was my reason for bringing you back." he continued to rave.

"ENOUGH!" Galin roared in the elf's face. The human towered over the druid, almost daring another word to be said. And just as suddenly the outburst calmed. "My plans, unlike those of the past are more complex than they used to be." He turned his attention to the tables for Andor & Sildea, and to a little wooden group of wagons. "Our scouts have reported that the exchange has happened, and that is the start."

Galadrid glared at Galin's back, the human was infuriating. Secrets plans and the fixation on the rest of the Ravenwoods would spell doom upon them all. "I just desire to be included into your plans Lord Soth." he deferred. He felt a cold chill when Galin looked back, eyes empty of compassion or humanity like those of a predator. He suddenly wondered if what he unleashed into this world could destroy it. "And your plans Lord Soth?"

There was a tentative knock on the door. One of the two gaurds in the room didn't even wait for the command before she walked over to the door and opened it. Nodding her head the female guard let in the servant bearing a tray of a glass canister and a silver goblet. The serving girl came in and curtseyed as best she could to Soth, holding the tray before her. "Your drink, Lord Soth." She said softly not looking him in the eyes. The female guard stayed near at hand to the serving girl. The second Guard a large burly male took up position near the door. they weren't taking any chances.

Galin allowed the girl to pour the drink while watching her intently, he insisted this personal server look like Alehial. When she handed him the glass he corrected her, "You may take the first sip, I find wine is sweeter after contact with a woman's lips." In truth he was using her as a taster in case of poison. He glanced at Galadrid, checking to see his reaction to the comment. He smiled at the woman as she raised the glass to her lips, "To your health my dear."

The servant poured the glass careful not to spill even a single drop of it. picking it up careful she nodded to him and took a sip. Not a large swallow but enough to coat her tongue at least. She knew what she was being used for. She didn't mind. She had chosen the wine herself and checked the seal as well. She was almost positive it was okay. She did blush at his words but it was because he was handsome and allowed her to serve him. The female guard watched the serving girl for any ill affects. Waiting several minutes.

Galin stroked her face and trailed his hand to her hip, "Perhaps I'll have need of your services later." He then signaled the guard to remove her from the room. "My plans, all in good time, one doesn't begin play until every piece is or close to being acquired." His comment angered the druid even more than minutes ago, and the elf's frown was starting to chafe like armor too small. "Fine, my little psion has found a new addition to our little band. And I have figured a way to swell our ranks."

"How?" Galadrid demanded.

"Andor has them, and are being ever so nice to keep the ones we want all together." Galin confided.

The servant girl was escorted out of room while the men spoke. The tray with the bottle and goblet of wine both still left on a clear space on one of the tables for Soth to have should he desire it. After closing the door and relocking it the female guard and the male guard both took up their positions once more.

The slow realization struck Galadrid, his eyes opening wide. "Prisoners? You want to use prisoners to increase our numbers?" His facial expression made Galin laugh and that made his mood even worse. "A common street thug will be no match for soldiers. And releasing dozens of men will not help us."

"Oh, my dear friend." Galin sneered, "When have I ever went small scale on anything? There are several thousand there, and those willing after swearing alliegence, will get assignments. In truth only one interests me, his name is Lash." He sat back in his chair sipping the glass of wine. "Well, is there some critzism you wish to lay at my feet?"

"That many men will be missed." Galadrid spoke plainly.

"Not for what I have planned." was Galin's retort.

Galadrid had enough of Soth for now. "I'm leaving." and headed for the door.

"COme back when they leave Sildea, I have your part ready." Galin ordered then motioned to the guards.

Both guards moved forward flanking Galadrid, they knew their duty and did so in silence. It was obvious that both men were not pleased with each other. Rarely ever. Not since their Lord Soth had been returned to them. They were more loyal to Lord Soth the Galadrid regardless that this was the wizard that brought their Lord back from the dead.

"Send the girl back in and you remain outside." Galin directed them. Once alone he considered his plan again. He spent so much time using spies and informants for information. "And to defeat my greatest enemies, I shall divide them and force my will." The room wide and deep with its high vaulted ceiling reminded him of the night he came back to life. And he thought so much of Alehial, and how his plan would affect her.

Both guards bow shutting the door behind them. One stayed by the door outside. The male left to fetch the serving girl. He wasn't gone long. Nodding to the other guard he stands there hand placed gently on the serving girls shoulder. He was careful not to tug on her long honey brown hair. The female guard knocks on the door twice. "Lord Soth, She's here." She informs through the door. Waiting for an answer before opening the door. The serving girl wasn't sure why she was summoned back so soon but it he had requested her later.

"I think with all the hustle and bustle I forgot to get your name." he told her. Looking at her squarely, she did resemble Alehial in human form although the girl was more accomidating. "I need to evaulate that you are fit to serve me. Do you dance my little dove?" He refilled the glass and handed it to her. Curious if she would refuse him or question his motives & questions. He found himself more often than not watching and noting how people reacted and questioned their lives.

"My name is Sarah, Lord Soth." She smiles softly taking the glass from him. Blushing softly she fervently hoped he found her suitable. "I can dance, though as to what skill I have... I have not been taught by any Teacher." She knew she somewhat resembled the Lady Ravenwood. In fact she was pretty sure that was why Lord Soth had chosen her. But she felt warmed by it not repulsed.

"Sarah," Soth mulled it over "well Sarah show me the skill you posess that apparently matches with your skill in picking wines." She would serve a suitable diversion while his plans unfolded. "If you please me, I may arrange for you to have formal training if you'd like." After she drained the glass of wine, he brushed his finger across her lips then touched it to his tongue. "I was apparently correct the wines taste improved after touching your lips." He knew he was rightg as in every aspect of his unfolding plans, he smiled looking at Sarah, everything would work out just as he wanted it.

"As you desire Lord Soth." Sarah smiles softly, a light blush staining her cheeks. His dark brooding eyes and the words he spoke, even his calloused fingers on her lips, everything was so masculine and dreamy. She had learned from everyone in the compound his favored wines and how he prefured them sserved. She had worked hard to be chosen. So with all her hard work in mind she danced as much as she could recall having seen a traveling dancer once show her. While she wasn't the best and she was a little hesitant, she did sway and move about in an enticing manner.

Galin watched her display with growing interest, he'd contact the guild in Shadizar and arrange for a tutor to teach her more. For a few seconds he thought to order her to undress or take matters into his own hands. He held his tongue though, too many plans needed his attentions before he could indulge a carnal appetite. "Very good Sarah, continue if you wish while I ask questions. How many languages do you speak? Are you pure? I wish to see that you keep yourself clean." He leaned forward waiting to see her responses.

"I speak a little Illian, I'm almost fluent in Acheronian. I um... I am passing familiar with... uh... sex and such things but... I have never... I mean I haven't... done it yet." Sarah says faltering in her dance and blushing somewhat heavily. It was hard to be a servent and not know some of it. That and she had fooled around a little but had never done anything serious with a man. The way Lord Soth spoke made her heart flutter in her chest.

Galin eyed her closely, until movement in the shadows caught his eye. "Sarah you are dismissed, for now I will summon you again later for dinner and perhaps more entertainment." When she left he turned to the shadows, "You have a report on Lash and on the Estate, Psion?" Everything came to his mind, every detail he could ever wish to know. He smiled everything was going according to his plans.

Sarah had left, she was dissapointed but she understood he was a very busy man. She left and nodded to the guards still outside the door and went off on her own back to her work. The guards stayed at attention at either side of the door.

Galin was very happy, the estate was having troubles and the central prison was almost at capicity. And now that he heard Lash was willing to serve him nothing could be better. "Now all I need is to bring Flint & Alehial to my side and watch Altair's world burn. Go Shadow, bring me Lash and the willing converts, I shall order the wizard to have his little pet continue to watch the wagons, and shortly Galadrid will slam shut the borders of Sildea." He thought shortly his plans were in precise movements and since they now ran ahead of schedule he should indulge himself to keep from being too greedy or rambunctious. "Guard, have Sarah and another slave bring two dinners and she will dine with me."

"Yes sir!" The male guard salutes and walks off quickly. He would do exactly as told. Both the guards would be glad Soth would have some satisfaction and distraction. He and the Drow wizard were practically at each others throats the entire time. This would be a good destraction for their Lord.

Hours later, Galin waited in his chambers dressed without his armor. Sarah would be along shortly with the meal. He pulled the wand out from the drawer and cast the spell inside upon himself, no need to father another child yet. He had sent orders to Flint's contact in Garisson he was to give the young man the pin as soon as Flint was alone. "While they expect such a grand drive to overtake the world, I'm only interested in destroying their world." He croosed to the table and sat down, going over his plans while he waited.

A knock on the door and Sarah walked into the room. She was in a better dress then she had before. Her hair in one long braid down her back, ribbons interlaced with her hair in the braid. Behind her were two more female servents all three of them bearing food trays and one bringing along the drink. They quickly all went about setting the table and pouring the wine in the glasses. Soon it was only Sarah who was left standing by the table but not too close. Nor was she too close to Soth himself.

He stood and escorted her to the other seat, "Did you select the wine again? And may I say you look very nice." They sat and began to eat, but suddenly Galin stood and moved behind her, placing his hands on her shoulders. "Sarah, I find you very suitable to serve me, but I promise that if you betray me the circumstances will be severe." He waited for her to answer him. He fully meant what he said, he would kill her himself if she betrayed him.

Sarah trembled beneath his hands. It frightened her to think of such things but on the other hand it meant he was trusting her. "My Lord I would never betray you. The thought has never even crossed my mind! I swear if you let me I will serve you to the fullest capabilities I posess!" Sarah says fervently trying to prove it with her words. She hoped he would find her pleasing and her tastes good and well.

Galin felt her tremble and enjoyed the feeling, and of her skin. He tilted her head back and to the right, trailing his fingers down her throat. "Your pulse is racing Sarah, did what I say scare you?" He leaned over to see her eyes, if there was fear there or any sign of her lieing to him. He knew his time was short before he needed to put the next part of his plan into action.

Sarah still trembled lightly, though it had changed from frightened and turned into something else. Her eyes were relaxed and opened just slightly from the feeling of his hands near her neck. His face so close to hers. She wished she had the courage to turn her face and kiss him, but the dangerous tone to his voice kept her submissive to his will at the moment. Her hands were holding tightly fingers clasps.

He kissed her firmly on the lips then deepened it, they were soft and he could faintly taste the wine. His hand began to slide his hand along her leg, lifting her dress as he went. "You do not disappointment, I find your body very acceptable Sarah." His fingers caressed her thigh, when he felt the twinge of magic. He grasped the eating dagger and turned quickly as Vennis appeared.

Sarah went from a soft pleased moan to a startled gasp. She averted her eyes as soon as she turned and jumped to see who was there. It was whispered among the servants that even looking into the Drow wizards eyes was to tempt madness. So adjusting her clothing momentarily and looking down demurely she waited a bright red blush coloring her cheeks at having been caught. She had been so caught up in the wonderful feelings and the strong hands of Soth.

"Do you know what he is doing to my daughter?" Vennis bellowed at Soth. "I will not have my bloodline tainted, by a human." he continued not even paying attention to Sarah. The wizard dressed in his deep blue robes, paced around in front of them. He didn't care one bit about Soth's little conquest, just keeping his son away from Lyriel.

Soth's movment was too fast for the drow to stop, his fist slammed into Vennis' jaw sending the wizard into the realm of unconsciousness. "Guards." he called "take him to master Cailban and inform him to keep him unconscious." Once they left the room he turned and pressed Sarah to the wall, continuing where he left off. He fumbled for a moment opening the bodice of her dress, exposing her body. "Truly, exceptional beauty." he commented before lowering his kisses to her chest.

Sarah trapped against the wall, still shocked over what she had witnessed, she was passive but it felt good and she responded to every touch every kiss he laid on her skin. She blushed a bright red at being so openly viewed by this powerful man. At being complimented by his husky masculine voice. Moaning softly at his ministrations what had happened only moments before were forgotten in her mind for now.

His hands grasped at her, Galin hadn't originally meant to take the woman yet, but the fool Vennis showed his face. After knocking him unconscious he felt powerful and desired to banish his will to attack the Ravenwoods. He continued to kiss her chest as his hands moved up her leg. She would prove a good distraction until he was ready to set the next plan into motion. "Will you give yourself to me Sarah, I mean to take you once I strip you of this dress."

"Oh yes please. Please Lord Soth!" Sarah whimpers under his skillful hands and mouth. One of her hands resting on a broad shoulder the other rubbing the back of his neck. She hitched her breath and spread her legs a few more inches so he could have an easier time getting to her.

Galin quickly stripped her and picked her up and deposited her onto the bed. Removing his clothes quickly and joined her, taking great interest in placing his hands all over her body. Once he moved to kiss her mouth again, he moved forward into her. Her marveled at how wonderful she felt, soft and supple. He began to claim Sarah, not being cruel but being just a little rough as he claimed her maidenhood.

Sarah couldn't help the tears from their joining from running down her cheeks. It was painful and he was large. But after a few moments it began to turn into pleasure and she did not at any point ask him to stop. Her hands held tightly to his arms and his shoulders. Never had she been touched as she touched her and never had she been claimed. Her mind was blank from the painful entry and then blank from the slow building of pleasure within her.

Galin continued his pace and rate, he knew she would orignally feel a little pain. But, he could see the pleasure building and kissed her deeply as he continued. He allowed himself to momentarily fantasize that she was Alehial and she was giving herself over to him. It was then he began to quicken his pace, groaning as he continued. He and Sarah began to breathe heavily, as both began to reach the point of no return.

Sarah cried out and arched against Soth. Her body tightening down on him. though after it had passed she simply lay unmoving beneath him panting with a dazed and flushed look on her face. Never in her life had she gone through something such as that and it was as though a dream had come true for her.

As she pressed against him, he felt her muscles squeeze him like a vice and he could no longer hold back. He looked into her eyes before again pressing his lips to hers. In a few minutes he would take her again, and continue to until she would fall asleep. He went back to teasing her breasts until he was ready to begin again. He smiled at Sarah letting her know he found her very acceptable.

Sarah responded again, Surprised and wide eyed she looked up at him but reasured by his smile she smiled back tentatively. She was pleased she brought him to completion and apparently more. She was honored he chose her to be with. So with that in mind she tried to participate a little more this second time but soon enough she was fatigued and let him take control completely.

When Sarah finally was too exhausted to continue, he allowed her to fall asleep. Then he got up, washed and redressed into his armor and weapons belt. He then left the room startling the guards when he opened the doors. "Have the woman return to her duties after she cleans herself up, then call for other slaves to clean the room." He touched his symbol pin calling to some of his disciples to meet in master Caliban's chambers.

"Yes Sir!" Both guards salute him immediatly, they had been guarding him all day so far and weren't about to refuse him now. He was an intimidating figure in all is armor and with his weapons. The look on his face was of deadly seriousness and they would not refuse him.

Master Caliban had his chambers far from normal eyes, he was a secretive mystic who had started experimenting to a fantastic degree of success. The stone structures of his chambers where cut from solid stone all done with magic and his will. Populating this chambers were all manner of devices made for torture and alchemy. He only had four cells for keeping prisoners, for they never stayed long in his company, and then sent to his pet carrion crawler to be disposed of. His realm was as desolate and maccabe as the master himself.

Vennis opened his eyes, unsure of where he was but knowing the way he arrived was due to Galin Ravenwood. "I shall remove his tongue the insolent bastard." the wizard cursed rubbing his jaw, before realizing he was surrounded. He got to his feet quickly, disciples of Soth were everywhere in the room all armed and equipped and watching him. His eyes settled on a chair facing him where Galin sat, Caliban stood to his right and shadow to his left. "What deception is this human?" Vennis spat in threatning tones.

All the disciples within the room were watching Vennis for the slightest threatening movement or word. All knew of his powers and how he used them, even more they knew this devious drow only worked for himself. Many were excited about the prospect of perhaps ridding this man from Soth's army just because he was too wild.

"Oh Vennis, I was willing to overlook so much of what you've done, but you invaded my chambers to complain about our children." Galin started, smiling smugly at the drow. "In truth I don't care if my son beds your little witch until her stomach explodes with his seed. But, I've been made aware of something to increase the chance of drawing him closer to me." He marked the face the drow was making and judging his thoughts and emotions. Caliban and Shadow should be marking them as well since they were intergral to his plan.

The drow wizard realized that without his component pouch or wands he could never do anything to Galin. "May the lords of darkness claim you human." was the best curse he could hurl at the seated man. Laughter rang back at him, the Ravenwood man had learned a measure of self control. "What are your intentions now Master Soth?" He hoped perhaps prostrating himself my save him from being murdered by Galin's disciples.

Several of the guards moved forward to flank the wizard all of them wanting to keep an eye on him. None of them really trusted him. they would act on Soths commands without hesitation and if he commanded the Drow would die. Some of them were even eager for the command to be given.

"Unfortunatly my dark skinned friend, I'm going to send you into battle with a member of the Ravenwoods and I figure without your toys." Galin didn't finish the comment, but didn't have to. Glancing around the room he said, "Check with your familar and tell me what happend, since you piqued my interest. Did my son mate well with your daughter, make her call him a god or scream his name to the heavens above?" He could read the fury behind Vennis' eyes, and didn't care. "Until I decide how best to send you to them, you'll stay here with Caliban under guard of course, Dolph & Ghut take him away."

The two men both broad and tall human warriors gave Vennis a shove in the direction out that they were instructed to send him. The others all watched until Vennis was gone and out of the room before they all shifted focus over back to their lord Soth. Awaiting further orders and what he desired of them.

"Shadow have you decided who will go with you to facilitate our little jail break." Shadow nodded his head and indicated by pointing to the men that would go with him. "Silent as always, my young friend, But at least you get the job done. Master Caliban, is there anything you need to complete your mission?" Galin was enthused that these men followed his orders to the letter, "Soon, all of our desires will take form and we will see everything fall into place."

After most of the disciples, except for Dolph and a few other had left the facility. Galin stood and talked with the remaining people who would secure the converts. "Lash is my primary concern, his fellow prisoners are secondary. If you cannot extract his followers than focus solely on him. Master Caliban what and how long do you need for our plans?"

Caliban stepped forward to address Galin, "Lord Soth I will require at least a week or two's time to affect the changes in Lash. However, Shadow can cause chaos at the Estate through his abilities. The truest thing is if the half-drow fears Lash enough that Shadow's tricks work. Dolph indicated that Lash beat the girl as a child and of course his anger toward her for brining his son into the Ravenwood house." Caliban could not vouch for most of Galin's men, but Dolph the theif had been instrumental in bringing him information from Lash.

Galin returned from his meeting and decided to look over reports one more time before taking his rest. He spent the better part of two hours, changing his plans and deciding to have Dolph and Shadow move up the schedule on the prison break. After a moments consideration, he went on without calling for Sarah, "Guards. I have need of you both."

Both men rushed inside quickly and saluted to their lord. "You have need of us Lord Soth?" The taller of th two men asked waiting for a reply.

"Juman and his men are to be given the go ahead to impliment their mission." Galin informed the taller man, then shifted his gaze to the shorter. "You are new to the disciples are you not? What is your name soldier?" He was a cautious man and new additions made him more aware. "If I had a difficult mission and sent you, would you question me?"

"My name is Micheal sir and no sir!" The shorter gaurd saluted keeping his eyes completely straight. The taller of the two simply nodded his head and stayed at attention until he was actually dismissed to go and send Juman and his men off. Neither men wanted to catch the wrong end of a mood swing.

Galin looked at the taller man, "You are dimissed, start to the communication wizard and back." Once the other man had left he again looked at Micheal, "How long have you been here? A member of my disciples?" He took a seat and watched him closely.

The taller man saluted and left quickly to follow his lords orders and get things done as quickly and precisely as possible. The shorter gaurd, green eyed and red haired continued to look straight in front of him. "I am a memeber sir. I've been part of the Ophirian members for almost three years sir." He responds quickly to the questions asked of him.

"And the plans that your commanders give you? What do you think of them, and please be candid. For I dispise lairs." Galin allowed the comment to settle on Micheal. He considered this a performance review for the Ophirian leadership.

"Which plans sir? I heard there have been several floating around. I want to help as much as possible in taking back these countries and putting them in place." Micheal says absolutely candid about this. He was a little confused as to which plans specifically Soth wanted him to give his opinion on though.

"Any plans you've been given orders from sacking of villages to diversions for assassinations." Galin continued to study the young man, noting his glances to the tables. "Do you think my decisions to build the Guild and deal with some issues. And where should we strike next, in your opinion?" A slight parched feeling made him consider calling for Sarah.

"Those people deserved what they got. They need to be shown the truth and the way the world is going to be from now on. The guild is one of the best things that have happened to Ophir in my opinion. Andor is a sore spot but with the Ravenwood family there it's virtually unconqurable. Other then you Sir no one has ever been able to even breach the walls. I don't know all the details of the continents and kingdoms sir. I just follow the orders I'm given." Micheal says stoutly.

Micheal seemed very trustworthy, "I want you to watch for deception in our ranks and report it to me." Galin watched the young man's reaction, he certainly walked the line the was expected of a disciple or guild member. "If you serve me well, I will reward you well."

"Yes sir!" Micheal says saluteing quickly. Being given this trust must mean Soth was pleased with him and that made his chest swell just that much.

"You are dimissed Micheal, have my serving girl Sarah called for, I wish coffee." Galin ordered. He wanted the hot drink since he returned from Caliban's chambers. The place was almost a tomb, and since it was he felt chilled when he would return. He debated wether or not he'd indulge in Sarah's body again so soon. "Then retake your post, but have your partner report once he returns."

"Yes sir at once sir." Micheal says leaving quickly. Grabbing a slave and telling them to fetch Sarag and coffee. He took up his post again a little more alert and a little more at eas with his place here.

"Shadow, start your plan. Juman will not tie up your nemisis long." He regretted possibly sending Juman to his death, but if Darryl got involved things could go very bad. He glanced at the Andor table and smiled, "My apologies, but Juman you should have not questioned me." He waited to hear from Shadow in silence until confirmation was recieved. Then waited for Sarah, perhaps he would show her the beginings of his plans.

There was a knock on the door before Micheal called through saying it was just Sarah. "My lord? I have brought coffee for you. As was instructed." She says with a small smile as she walked in.

"Good, welcome Sarah and thank you." He eyed her, she should remember his prefernces to have her check for poison. "I wish you to remain for a little while, I have something I want you to see." He got up and headed towards the table where she was mixing his drink. She appeared none the worse for wear after he used her.

Sarah mixed his coffee as he liked to take it before taking a sip of it and walking over towards him with it. It tasted fine to her though she did burn her tongue a little. She winced but kept it to herself. "It's a little hot my lord, but tastes all good and fine." She says softly knowing he would wait a few moments to make sure she didn't drop dead. she was careful as anyone could be however about the things she brought him that he requested. She blushed a little as he looked her up and down.

He stood and took her by the arm to a mirror, "stand here in front of me Sarah and watch." As she did he activated the mirror, and Sarah saw a woman being assulted before a young man appeaered killed her attackers in a gout of flame, then disappeared. Galin knew his diversion would work, and he placed his hands on her shoulders. He then changed the scene to show what looked like a prison on fire. "They wouldn't join me and this is the price to be paid." he whispered to her as his hands slid down her sides.

Sarah watched eyes wide. She'd never seen anything so vivid and horrible. She was thankful she couldn't smell anything. She shivered slightly at the feel of his hands against her sides. "That's... Andor isn't it Soth?" Sarah asked softly unable to look away from the mirror and the scene it showed of the flames and the people burning and others trying to fight the flames to keep them from spreading.

He continued to hold Sarah while they watched the scene. He could feel her reactions and he knew she understood what he was doing. "None of the ones still there will survive. Because they would not swear loyalty to me, that is what I mean when I say a price to pay." He moved her hair and kissed her neck, "But, I don't need to ever be concerned that you would betray me do I?"

"No. I wouldn never dream of betraying you my Lord!" Sarah says fervently even as she tilted her head to give him more room to do as he wished. It was frightening and a little more then sobering to watch the fire and the people. But she knew from the begining he was going to change things and it was going to be bloody and dangerous.

He suddenly couldn't believe it, there in the middle of everything was Darryl Ravenwood. Bouncing throughout the prison, saving prisoners and guards alike. "Damn him, I told Juman to keep him busy." Galin had stopped kissing her. He released her from his grip and turned throwing the cup and shattering it against the wall. This was not in his plans, so who failed him and who would he punish.

Sarah averted her eyes to the floor. She had turned around and faced Soth. It was obvious something was wrong. Obviously it was the man saving the men. Beyond that she didn't know very much. For this level of anger it had to do with the Ravenwoods however. She was just hoping not to draw any of Soths displeasure onto herself at the moment.

He calculated quickly, "Shadow, watch him, follow his movements and when he is weakest, strike." Turning to look at Sarah, "This information goes no further than this room." The total destruction of the central prison would have kept his plans quiet. No because of his own nephew there would be a possible count and that could be a horrid nusiance. He walked back towards Sarah, and held his hand to her cheek.

Sarah looks up slowly, a little frightened at the moment from his display of anger. Not completely sure what he was going to do. "I will tell no one." She promises in a soft tone.

He regained his composure moved in and whispered into her ear, "the disciples and guild depend on me to guide them and my plans to work well." He kissed the cheek opposite his hand and brushed the other warmly. "Your promise shows that I may have made a superior choice in having you serve me." He brought his hands to touch her neck, it would have been easy to snap it, instead he kissed her. "Tomorrow, you will begin learning some of the finer points to serving me."

"Finer points Soth? You are so wise and smart already. You have expanded the guild and built proper guildhouses in several countries already!" Sarah says looking up at Soth, her eyes filled with admiration and she gently places her hand over his against her neck. She was fervent with the words she spoke. She beleived Soth was the perfect man to make the changes the world needed so badly. At this moment he was just handsome again the moments of anger already forgotten. No longer afraid.

"I must attend to the latest batch of recruits, but after I intend to bathe before meeting with the representative from Mu. I may require your assistance." he informed her. Galin glanced at the mirror, Shadow would do as commanded, and if lucky maybe severly injure Darryl. Sarah would prove a distraction after the countless declarations of loyalty from the converts. Grinning he kissed her lightly, "Perhaps, I'll decide to forego the meeting and spend my time with you."

"If you wish it so Soth." Sarah smiles coyly. She was a little sore still but she wouldn't let that stop her. After being trusted with so much information and having been his sole servant she was honored by his treatment. In the mean time is was still her duty to clean the room, under supervision and he hadn't actually had a cup of coffee yet. Sarah didn't know if he'd use the extra cup she had brought him. He was often known for breaking cups in anger.

Galin dismissed the coffee, choosing instead to sit and watch Sarah go about her duties. As she cleaned he watched her hips sway back and forth. He had been rough in using her, he had done the same with Tess. Why was her thinking of her now? He thought about what transpired the last time they saw each other. That night came back to him and he sat and remembered.

"My lord... Lord Soth? I am finished... is... is everything alright? You look... um a little troubled." Sarah says a little later, Soth's room was never really very dirty. She was soon finished and standing a few feet in front of Lord soth. She had to stop herself from saying he looked sad or mournful of something.

"I am recalling someone from my past, come here sit." he indicated his knee. Once she sat, he ran his hand under her skirts to her bare thigh "I find myself remembering those from my past and after my return I had to handle a betrayel." As he looked at Sarah, he saw Tess and the words they last spoke to each other rang in his ears. "Before my death they acted much like you," he squeezed her thigh. "Upon my return they had done the one thing I told you never to do." Considering what he did, and the power it gave him, did Tess deserve better then what happened?

"Like me Soth? I would never betray you! Not ever!" Sarah says earnestly, a little frightened with how serious this conversation was and how he spoke with almost a remorseful and regretful tone of voice. Sarah sat upon his knee and watched his face confusion clear on her own. She wished she could help but she didn't really understand what he was talking about yet.

He gazed at her a long moment, "Of course not, you are loyal to me." He brought her close and nuzzled her neck. In truth he trusted no one completely, Sarah, Shadow, Galadrid, even the new recruit Lash. While Sarah held the lowest spot on that list, he would guard his private thoughts from her. However as he induleged in her body he was prepared to do as he had to Tess, if he had to.

Sarah sighed in pleasure at the treatment he gave her neck. She didn't know what he was thinking but then she never had and he would never share it with a servant like her. Even if they were lovers now. Or at least she hoped they were lovers. She suddenly wanted to do something for him, Squirming a little in his lap she runs her fingers through his hair. "Lord Soth? May I... May I try something?" She asks in a soft hesitant voice. A blush covering her cheeks in a soft pink hue.

Galin studied her for a second, Sarah's body and voice showed she posed no danger. "You have my leave to try." She surprised him, but he valued a servant's desire to make a master happy. He deemed that he most likely would send a message to his agent in Mu that he would be delayed. He released Sarah from his embrace and removed his hand from her thigh. He then sat back to see what she had planned that caused such a blush.

Sarah took a deep breath and gave Soth a nervous little smile before she went to her knees. She'd never had a chance to practice the elven arts before but she knew what to do. After all one wasn't a servant of some skill long if one didn't hear stories from the others. So with some strange new confidence to try something new and perhaps surprise the man she was falling in love with already she undid his belt carefully and unlaced his pants to get to the part she needed to try and perform well for him.

Not much surprised Galin, but this girl tugging at his pants was enough to qualify. He didn't say anything to her, he had recieved the elven arts before. Once she began though he whispered a few instructions, but for the most part just enjoyed her attempts. He did look down once and for a second allowed himself to fantasize about Alehial doing this. Gently he placed a hand against her head, "Very good, Sarah, Very good indeed.'

Sarah did her best and used his whispered words of advice. Trying to do what she had heard others that men apparently liked. She hoped she pleased him with this. And that it might perhaps relax him from the anger from earlier. It only took her a few moments before she took him all and only several more before she felt his swell. She concentrated hard on her task she had set herself and wanted to please him very badly.

She was making him very happy, his fingers digging into the arms of the chair. His climax wasn't far off and her moaned out her name to show he did enjoy what she was doing. Alehial was to prim and proper to do anything like this, but he still half fantisized that his brother's wife would pleasure him like this. Wouldn't that kill Altair, the whelp hearing his beloved wife drinking his brother's seed. The thought pushed him over the brink as he climaxed.

Sarah pulled back coughing a little. Not used to what she had just done and breathing heavily. She hadn't known she'd be able to take him all and the warmth from it was a little unnerving. Licking her lips and wiping her chin from extra she licked it off and clean a little face for the strangeness of the taste but other then that she was pleased with herself for having helped Soth hopefully be more at ease. To hear him moan her name was an honor. She hadn't been able to swallow it all and she knew her face was a mess but hopefully he would let her clean up in his basin. For now she sat where she was and watched him, a very content and pleased smile on her face.

His breathing slowed as he opened his eyes to look at her. Her face was covered but she was smiling. Ne nodded his head towards his adjacent chambers, "Go clean up and return with a wet rag for me." He felt his stress had drained away, as if she took that along with his seed. He suddenly figured a new area of his plan, while he worked at Alehial, he would bed Sarah let the slave girl keep him from stressing over his problems.

"Yes Soth." Sarah says softly getting to her feet and quickly moving to the next room. Cleaning as well as she could and blushing brightly at finally having seen her face she returns with a warm wrag and stands by his side. She had also brought a towel in case he wanted to dry a little before fixing himself in his pants again. She saw that he was much more relaxed and it made her have to hide a smile as how pleased she was at having helped him.

Soth looked up at her, "You proved to be surprising, I want you to handle cleaning me." She wanted to relax him, he was about to see if she would complete the job. "What possessed you to do that Sarah?" he continued to watch to gauge her reactions and words. He considered how it felt and made a mental note to have her speak with a concubine as well as being taught to dance. He would mold her into a weaker version of Alehial, one that was completely devoted to him.

Sarah blushed brightly but knelt once again on front of him and began to clean him off. "I... wanted to help you. You seemed... out of sorts today and I thought... perhaps... since you did not have much time before your meeting ith the representatives from Mu... I could help you relax. Besides... I... well we... the other day and I didn't... really get a chance to... see it." Sarah blushes brightly drying it and looking up at him. She didn't know how to tuck it in comfertably, so she was going to leave that for him. She was pleased he was so happy with her though. IT made her heart beat faster and her chest swell a little.

When she handled him, he smiled a little, Sarah was becoming a little bold. "So are you willing to serve me again in the this capacity?" A deep smile crosses his face. "You are concerned about keeping me relaxed, then before I sleep you will come to my chambers, strip, and offer yourself to me. Are you willing to help me in that capacity, be mine when I need of you?" Soth knew how to manipulate and keeping Sarah willing to let him use her would go a long way to accomplishing his goals.

"I... Y-yes if you wish it of me... I-I would be honored Soth!" Sarah says smiling but trying not to act to giddy or far too pleased. It wasn't really proper as a servant to behave in such a manner. So trying to keep some dignity about her she stands and nods her head after giving her answer. She was still blushing but the smile on her lips helped ease some of the red away from her face at how pleased she was that he wanted her again.

Soth stood and adjusted everything, she was very capable in her washing of him. "I'm going to my meeting now Sarah, I want you to handle your duties and have you arrange for dinner." He moved to his desk and took a sheaf of paper and his signet ring. Upon activating the magic of it, he stepped into the portal and vanished. After it closed the room was silent except for Sarah's breathing.

Sarah then squealed happily and danced a little in the same spot before quickly cleaning up the last of his room and putting everything away. Leaving to do just as he had ordered.

As the portal closed, Soth realized how useful these items where as he stood in Mu with his representative. Her name was Ileeana and she was a dark skinned member of the guild and disciples, who had proved herself loyal. "Greetings, did the meeting have a problem while I took care of my problems?" He shouldn't have took so long in letting Sarah pleasure him, but in truth he felt powerful after she finished. "What is the descion of the representatives of the divine one?"

"The meeting well well Lord Soth. The representatives have spoken for our Divine leader. The signs have been read and he will allow a small guild. Fortunes smile on us Lord Soth, for we are allowed to create a small temple into our guild home." Ileeana says with a small smile bowing to Soth. It was their lucky day that the signs had fortold their goodstanding. That the Divine One would allow them the use of a small run down temple as well said the Divine One held interest and wished to see more.

"You have done well for our group, and I see that deserves rewards." he checked her reaction. "Name your reward or what you want for this great service. And I believe we can accomidate the Divine one's request, once we have everything in place." He decided that he would leave her in charge here unless she asked for a new assignment. Ileeana knew the truth that he was behind both groups, and used Lord Soth showing her allegiance to the disciples.

Ileeana smiles coldly. "More control and a higher position oh great Lord Soth. If Ileeana has higher position and more command more of Mu's great people will follow and pledge service to great empire you build." She says her accent thick and affecting her speech. She didn't want to move from her beloved country. But the better rank she held and the closer to power she was more of People from Mu would follow them. She was nothing if not wise enough to know how the country was run and how to assimilate what she needed to do the same.

"Is that all, Ileeana? Control and power, to serve me better?" He smiled back at her. She was calculating and he would make sure to find out where her loyalties lay. "Very well, I promote you to Guildmistress of Mu, and will send a support staff to help and learn from you." He had his decisions made including a member that was going to betray him. If she was loyal she would kill him, if not he would see them both dead.

"I thank you Lord Soth for the honor you give me in such trust." Ileeana says bowing deeply to Soth. She knew he was planning something, everything he had had her do there was some kind of trick. She had already killed two of his men, one by sending him over a country border, the other by telling him to go meet the Divine one. What idiots these men were that Lord Soth sent to her. She would not be fooled this time either and she would have more power now.

"You understand leading these guilds isn't something to be taken lightly. I expect nothing but excellence in handling guild business and following orders, understand." Soth held her gaze, the two men he sent her to dispose of where stupid and disposable. She wasn't stupid nor ignorant, but in her quest for power he would not tolerate her rising against him. "I forsee you raising to a 'very' commanding position as long as your remember how you were brought here."

"Great lord it was you who brought me into this power and it is you who I wish to follow. My strengths are not those that others follow but merely those they follow other greatness through." Ileeana says smoothly. It was true, she didn't want to run it she just wanted to be a large part of it, if it went well of course. "I consider every choice oh powerful one. I do not foresee this one boding ill."

"Very well then Guildmistress, you shall shape the guild here." Soth told her. "You will of course keep your reports to your superiors, so we can provide aid when needed. And is there anything you need of me while I am here?" With the Divine one's counselors agreeing to the guild, he had no reason to stay long. So, he waited for her questions or anything else he would need before leaving.

"No Lord Soth, I understand my intstructions quite well. I will begin to outlay the area and send messages to those who will do the building." Ileeana says bowing deeply once more. "May the Divine One's will join that of yours." She says formally is farewell.

Soth returned her farewell, "I look forward to seeing your progress." He activated the ring, and opened a portal to return to Andor. There was still more to be done. And he didn't want to wait to enact another plan. He also wondered what impressionable Sarah was up to.

He exited the portal back into his planning chamber. Looking about he didn't see Sarah anywhere. He decided it would be easier to clean up and wait for her to arrive with dinner. "Guard, make sure the hot spring area is empty before I arrive. And I wish to know Sarah's movements since I have been gone."

"YEs sir right away!" the guard salutes and strides out quickly to get the things done. By now just about everyone was aware of Sarah being used by Soth and what she was being used for of course. It only took a few moments before the gaurd was back again. "The hot spring is clear sir. The servant Sara has been going about her daily chores of changing sheets and cleaning rooms sir." the guard reports quickly, hoping it was enough.

"Excellent work, return to your post." he complimented the guard. After he depart Galin went to the hot spring, stripped andsank into the water. He allowed himself a grim smile, except for Vennis, Sildea, and Lash all his plans were a sucess. And even though Darryl ruined the second part of his plan, he found it bothered him little. "The question is what string do I pull next."

The guard had returned to his post and there were two guards posted at the hot springs door as well. The entire compound was well guarded, and there were servents and slaves alike scurrying from here and there doing chores and sending messages and carrying supplies for something or other.

His plan for Sildea would still have to wait for the Ravenwoods had not yet retrieved the young ones and returned to Baerlon. Lash was a project in work, Caliban was a master of his art but doubling the work with Vennis now would slow that plan. He supposed that he would re-surface as Galin Ravenwood leader of the Guild, for a time, maybe he'd take up residence in his Malkier branch. He stood feeling the coolness of the chamber, then exited the pool to take a towel and dry himself. For now he would entertain himself by reading reports and having sweet Sarah serve him.

He proceeded to his chambers and started pouring through his newest reports. Some of the more controllable converts were to become guild members. While the rest who could follow orders but, not control themselves would be disciples after a meeting with Caliban. Surprisingly the number of guild members outnumbered the disciple cannon fodder. "Now since the reports are over, I get to wait for Sarah."

Sarah did her work as quickly and thoroughly as she could. Finishing up a few minutes late for the usualy dinner hour but gathering the food and filling up a tray, adding a glass of wine and two glasses she hurries to Soth's room. Informing the guards and letting them check the cart over, one of them knock on the door. "Lord Soth, Sarah has arrived with your dinner." The guard informs from outside of the door. Waiting for permission to be given to give Sarah entrance to the room.

"Enter!" came the reply from the other side of the door. He was drafting the orders for Konu and Volis. Konu being a native of Valusia, was making waves with some of his tough talk against orders. Volis was from Acheron, and committed to the disciples was being promoted to second at the new Mu guild. And as for Konus, he would not return from his new posting.

"Lord soth. I apologize for being late! One of the girls was sick this afternoon so I had a little more then usual to take care of! Your meal is here and fresh from the ovens and hearths. I brought wine to perhaps relax you after today." sarah says hurriedly entering the rooms and walking over to the dining table with the cart. The door was shut behind her by the guards and she spoke as she walked into the room. she was already pulling out the table cover to set the table.

"When we are alone Sarah you will call me Galin." he corrected her. After he did so her gave her a brief smile. "I in truth had not realized the time, it was less stressful of a day than you would think." He watched her move about setting the table, he was undecided if he would take her tonight. But, given the conditions she may expect or want him to take her, he might not however allow her to stay.

"I am glad then So... er Galin." Sarah smiled brightly in return to him. Having put all the plates of food on the table. Pouring water in one glass and wine in the wine glass. "I am sorry I didn't make it on time. I hurried to do my job quickly." She says softly finishing setting the table and setting the trolley off to the side and out of the way.

He stood leaving the report lay on his desk, crossing to stand at the table. "It should be nothing serious, unless the food is cold." he looked serious for a second, then smiled. "Although if you feel I should punish you for tardiness." he teased as he drew her mouth to his. The dinner smelled wonderful, and if the cook was decent it would puncuate the day perfectly. He released her and proceded to sit waiting for her to try the food for poison.

Sarah blushed softly and sat as well. Minding her manners as well as she could for someone born in the low class she tastes each of the food and the water and then a sip of the wine. She knew he wouldn't eat a single thing unless she tasted it first. "The food is excellent! The cook really is amazing in what and how he cooks everything! It's very lucky for you to have him." Sarah says talking while they waited the few minutes a little nervous. She always was, even though she would gladly die for him dieing was a serious undertaking. She was always really releived when there was no poison.

He proceeded to put food on his plate then prompted her to do the same. "Have you ever been out of this country, Sarah?" he asked. He knew the answer would be no, but wanted the conversation with his meal. He planned on sending her to Shadizar, while he was there discussing guild business. Perhaps he would take her with him on several of these diplomatic trips.

"No... I started working as soon as I was able, my parents didn't have much wealth. My brothers died in the wars and my sister is still working near home." Sarah says filling her plate and smiling at him. She didn't mind talking about her family she had left and joined the guild a few years ago. She wondered why he was curious though she would never question his reasons.

"I have meetings in a few countries and I am thinking of adding you to my traveling staff. While I am in Shadizar I have arranged for you to take lessons when I have meetings." Galin watched to see her reaction, figuring she would gush about being honored. He busied himself with the meat on his plate. She was correct though the cook was excellent, it had only taken four to find a decent one.

"M-me!? You think me worthy enough to take me along? Oh! Lord Galin that's wonderful! You are so generous to let me come with you! You are doing so much for me. I will do my best to learn as much as I can to properly...Take care of you." Sarah says gushing a bit and then smiling at him a little her eyes dark and her smile if not complete still a little knowing. She was very excited about this though and she hoped she learned well enough to please him so much more.

"I'm sure you'll do your best, Sarah." he smiled back at her. Galin had gauged her reaction correctly. "So, what have you decided upon for the dessert this evening?" The cook would have supplied her with options and let her choose one. With a smile he decided that if she chose correctly, he might seriously let her stay the night in his bed.

"Well I wasn't exactly sure which one you might like best but... I chose the chocolate cake and convinced the cook to send up some ice cream and give me chocolate sauce." Sarah says walking back over to the cart and pulling out two slices of cake and then a container that was chilled on the edges. She quickly put the ice cream on the plate with the cake and carefully drizzled the chocolate sauce over it before setting it in front of Galin. "I hope I made the right choice and that you will be pleased." Sarah says sitting back down, she couldn't help but wonder how he stayed so... fit and muscular what with what foods he ate on a daily basis.

Galin stood walking over to Sarah with his plate, then used his fork then offered her a bite. "And in case you are wondering, a guild wizard who visited me today cast a detection spell already." He gazed down at her, so willing to serve his desires and whims. He glanced to the cart and what food remained on it. He took a bite as well and agreed both were excellent, "When we are done, the guards will take the rest away."

Sarah fairly moaned at the taste. She always had such amazingly good food when she ate with Galin. She blushed softly at the honor of calling him by his birth name. An honor not many were allowed. She didn't quite understand what he meant when he told her the guards would take away the tray, it was only after a few more bites that she stopped ith a mouthful and blushed brightly looking down demurely. Now understanding that he wished for her to stay. For other reasons.

Galin dipped his finger in the sauce and gently daubed it to Sarah's neck. "Perhaps though I may keep the choclate sauce for other uses." He leaned down and licked the sauce off of her. He smiled at her, "intriguing flavor, I rather like it." He called for the guards and instructed them to talk everything except the sauce and if Sarah preferd the ice cream.

Sarah sucked in her breath and let it out though it quavered. Looking up at him through her eyelashes not paying very much attention to the guards coming in and cleaning up the table. They were quick and efficient moving everything and taking it with them quickly. leaving the two of them alone in the room together. Having left the chocolate sauce.

Galin brought her to her feet, and began loosing her dress. When her clothes were in a pile at her feet, he leaned her back against the table. Without a word he drizzled some of the sauce on her chest, then proceeded to lick it from her. He was surprised the thought came to him to use the sauce to seduce her. He then moved the drizzle and his tongue lower on her body, he'd pleasure her and enjoy her attempts to repay him.

Sarah didn't know what to do with herself. The chocolate was still warm but his tongue was almost like a scorching heat to her. Leaning almost laying on the table she was blushing brightly. It was a place to eat and she was almost laid on top of it like a banquet. She couldn't help the heavy breathing and soft moans that escaped her.

He was continued to drizzle and lick about her thighs, he wondered if she ever thought he'd do this to her. He almost smiled thinking he didn't need dessert, he had her. Galin listened to her breathing and moans enjoying her reactions. The guards had taken away the rest of the food and would not reenter until called for. He waited while continuing to her what she would do.

When he finished pleasuring her with his tongue and the sauce. He stood and kissed her lips. "I think from now on, dessert will be you and some sort of sweet sauce." Galin looked at her and smiled, she was beautiful flushed and still breathing heavyily. "What do you think about that?" he took a rag and wiped the last of the choclate from her body.

"A-anything you wish Master Galin." Sarah pants heavily her reply, a flush across her face from the feelings he had created in her. His lips had been sweet and musky, she licked her own lips looking at him through ehr own desire darkened ones.

He helped her up from her the table and took her to the bed. He pulled his boots off then pulled off his shirt. Galin started unlacing his shirt and pulled it off. He then decided to again kiss her, running his hands along her body.

Sarah moaned into the kiss. She flipped off her indoor shoes and let them fall to the ground before she was completely undressed on his bed beneath him. His hands on her body felt more amazing each time their coupled. His mouth still tasted of chocolate sauce and was amazing.

He coupled with her, and continued to kiss her as his hands roamed her body. She was soft and supple and she bowed to his will, just as he wanted. Galin not only kissed but lightly bit her neck as he increased the rythm of the coupling.

Sarah who was still inexperienced came many times by Galins furious and yet gentle coupling with her. Her fingers scoring his back as she clutched at him each time. Her hair sticking to her skin as she glowed in the firelight from her sweat slicked body. the bites only hightened her sense of everything she was feeling. she loved her Master more then she had ever loved anything else and she desired only to serve him.

After a while, his deires sated for the time being he seperated from her. Laying back onto the bed he slowed his breathing, while listening to Sarah breath. "You may stay here tonight, if you wish. Clean up if you wish with the basin, or I will take you to the hot spring." Suddenly, he felt Shadow touch his mind, inferring everything they were doing with the Estate and Garrison. Thinking quickly, "Make sure Lash will be prepared, do not let Darryl trace your powers to you."

Sarah lay panting out of breath almost, she had to take several minutes just to get her breathing back to normal and her legs to stop quivering. She waited while he spoke to his servant or whoever it was that he spoke to aloud when no one was there. She thought the hot springs would be very nice but she wasn't sure she'd ever be able to walk on her legs.

Shadow inferred that they were again starting to influence Asper, and he would move against Darryl as soon as she called for him. Lash on was almost completed just a few days to heal and start mastering his powers. Galin inferred his earlier warning to them. He then turned his attention to Sarah, "Have you decided yet."

Sarah nods her head and then blushes though some of it was lost from how flushed her face still was after their roll in the bed. "The hot springs sound wonderful... But I am not sure... I am quite up to it Lord Galin." Sarah says softly starting out by looking him in the eye before her gaze traveled down his muscular chest and down chiseled abs to rest on what had made her so, well, not up to the walk to the baths.

He stood and gathered his robe and another for her, "Put this on." Once she was dressed he helped her up. "I will help you to the spring, is that agreeable to you?"

"If... If it isn't any trouble to you Lord Galin." Sarah says holding onto him tightly her legs wobbled and her entire lower body protested any movement from her at the moment. She ignored it all the best she could however. Even if she winced at the steps they took, she didn't say a word. She was touched he was willing to help her with all of this. Really touched.

Once out his chamber door, he instructed the guards to clear the corridors to the hot springs. "Come along now Sarah, the water will do wonders for you." he promised her. Down the small maze to the hot spring chamber, where the air was more humid. He loosened her robe, hanging it on a peg then adding his own beside it. He walked her to the water and lowered them both in.

Sarah grimanced at such warm water but sank into it gratefully and sat on one of the small ledges. It made her hips ache even more for a few minutes before the pain started to just, go away on it's own. She groaned and sank a little lower so that the water came to just above her breasts. "Master Galin you are so wise and skilled, I don't know how I will ever be able to match your paces or keep up enough for you to be truelly pleased with me." She says softly blushing lightly as she looked down.

Galin moved forward and placed his hand on her chin and raise her gaze. "I never meant for you to match my paces, for you see if I meant to I could continue without your participation." His smile would have made some cringe away from him. He took a rag and wiped her face and neck, almost embracing her as he did so. "In truth the noises you make more than make up for a lack of stamina on your part."

Sarah had cringed just slightly, for she had seen some of the things he had done to people with that same little smile on his face. But at the tenderness of him wiping her face and neck and the near embrace she relaxed completely against him. Blushing brightly at the compliment and words he spoke to her. "I'm glad I can please you then... Galin." Sarah nearly whispers his name, she felt privaledged and honored about being able to use his real name without any honorifics or titles. As if somehow when they were alone together he really did care of her.

He continued to wipe her neck and face then took hold of her hand and inspected it. "I feel I should find other jobs for you to do, would that appeal to you Sarah?" He washed her hands and arms, then took hold of a leg and washed her feet. "Will you be fair and return this treatment Sarah?" he was toying with her. He did relax a little around her, but only just enough in case he'd have to remove her later.

"I would do anything for you Galin! anything at all! If I could I would stop the moons cycle!" Sarah says grabbing another rag and soaping it up. She started with his chest, not sure how he felt of someone too near his face or throat yet. She gently scrubbed his pecs and then his shoulders and down his arms. Marveling over the muscles and how much man there was to him.

"You may continue Sarah, even going up to my face. If you feel comfortable that is." Her hands were trying to be both soft and clean him, "I'm not made of silk, you may be a little rough with me." As she continued he placed his hands upon her hips, using his fingers to brush her backside. He smiled, anticipating what she would do when she arrvied below his belt.

Sarah smiled softly and washed him a little more firmly, washing his neck and very carefully his face. Before she brought the rag over his shoulders and had to lean close to reach his back so she could scrub it as well. Blushing softly as her heart sped up by being almost held in a tender embrace. Once done with his back she moved over his sides and abs. "I'll have to scoot off your lap to do any more Galin." She says softly with a blush.

"So, we'll trade places then, very well." he answered lowering her. He leaned against the edge, stretching his arms along the ledge. Galin was tired but very content at this point, Shadow was supposed to deliver a message to the estate and shortly he would be able to start working on bringing Flint to his side. "Perhaps you might need some more things since I understand you have very little."

"Things Galin?" Sarah asks absently concentrating on his body and cleaning it more then anything else at the moment. Her hands with the rag traveled over his lower abs and carefully across his hip bones. She was concentrating and being careful and wanting to be thorough on her job of cleaning him. she didn't know what he meant by things or that she didn't have much either.

"Baubles or silk perhaps?" he offered. Keeping track of where she was cleaning, he did indulge in enjoying her hands. "We will have you clothed in the fashion of places visited. Then I will allow you to keep what you wish." He opened his eyes and looked at her, "I can't keep you nude all the time I suppose."

Sarah giggled and it was eerily similar to Alehial's amused chuckle. She gently wiped down his soft phallus and surrounding parts. HEr hands soft and gentle with the rag. She was blushing brightly. "I would... love that." She says with a small impish little smile.

He groaned as she made contact with him, "just like that Sarah, you learn quickly how to handle me." he did notice what seemed very close to Alehial's laugh. Perhaps, we shall find out if these springs revitalize the body as well as the mind. He slid he hand against her and rubbed her breast. 

Sarah let out a breathy little moan. Leaning forward into his touch as she dropped the wrag and continued to rub his soft penis and with her other hand his sac. She was blushing but was more flushed from the heat of the water and his hand upon her chest then anything else. "I have the best Teacher to learn it from." She says her voice husky and her body responsive to his touch.

He drew her closer, slipping his hand under the water to carress her nether region slowly. "Sarah, you aren't so timid anymore and that is a very good thing." He groaned as she continued touching him, she was really learning well. Galin brought his mouth to hers and kissed her deeply.

Sarah gave a small squeal as his hand caressed between her legs and it was swallowed into the kiss between them both as she moaned into his lips and ground her hips against his hand. Her hand wrapping around him and gave a gentle squeeze, still careful and cautious.

Rather than be content to rub her nethers, Galin slid a finger inside Sarah. Most of the women he had been with enjoyed his minstrations until he decided to couple with them. He continued the kiss as he felt himself react to her hand. She was the perfect choice to distract him, and teach him patience.

Sarah groaned and her legs wobbled and gave out making her sink to her knees in the tub, her chin just above the water level. Breaking the kiss between the two of them. She was moaning and her face was red, her hands never left his crotch but netiher did they squeeze tightly when she slid into the water further.

Galin smiled and felt himself swell and her vice like squeeze forced his climax. "Oh, Sarah, that was wonderful. You should be very proud of your ability." He helped her to the edge and dried them both off, and replaced their robes. He then escorted her back to his chambers, "It is time for sleep, have you decided wether or not to stay?"

"I would... stay if it is alright." Sarah says softly almost completely worn out already. Between the extra load of work, her dalliance with Galin and then the hot water of the springs her body was becoming lethargic and unresponsive immediatly. She longed for sleep now and wished that it might happen while held by the one man who had taken her in and that she had fallen in love with.

Galin took her to the bed and stripped her of her robe then removed his and joined her. He drew her close and wrapped an arm around her, You should sleep then my dear." Once she nodded off, he felt Shadow infroming him about the attack. Unable to advise Soth if Darryl had been hurt or possibly killed in the attack. Safe with his new knowledge he relaxed and fell asleep listneing to Sarah's breathing.

Lash opened his eyes and smiled, "How do you do that Shadow? I talked to her and even affected the world around her." Shadow regarded him quietly, "You didn't affect the world around her, it was all in her mind." Lash's body hurt from Caliban's manipulation and he felt raw and sickly. "How long until I can get up and be real to Asper?" Shadow's response was that it required three days to heal, and a month or better to master his new skills.

Shadow motioned to the female guard nearby, "Is the drow awake yet? Master Soth wishes to further some of his plans." The 'surgery room' made most people ill, tools and bandages mixed with arcane and profane items. Shadow felt everything that had been done here. He did however wonder what the female did to be assigned duty in this hall of horrors. Caliban was resting in the other room, probably preparing for the next job.

The female nodded and turned her head to look inside the cell. The female gaurd grinned at the rather pitiful state the Drow was in. She was tall for a female, and much broader then most girls though she didn't look like a man either. she had been assigned to Caliban as one of the few gaurds who could stand to be there during operations and torture sessions. In fact she always seemed to get a little gleam in her eye and a small smile on her face when men were tortured. The gaurd had a long rugged scar almost from temple to collarbone on one side of her face. It wasn't clean and it looked like it had been made from a broken glass edge. "He's up, barely." She sniggers and looks back over at Shadow waiting for what she would be ordered to take the Drow to next. Her grin only widened a little at the figure of a hurt Lash behind him.

Lash eyed her back, "Just cause I'm getting over what Caliban did to me, don't confuse it with my abilities." He'd seen looks like hers before, and between strangling or stabbing or plain beating them to death he came out on top. He noticed how she carried herself and the weapons she carried, no problems. "Shadow, how long before I get an audience with Lord Soth?" he asked. Sitting up he looked about and noted all of the makeshift weapons.

"Master Caliban has greater skills then what he has used on you." The female guard lets her smile widen into something a little more vicous looking and she turns to Shadow first. "Well Master Shadow? What are Lord Soths orders for the Drow now?" The female guard continued her smile as she saw Lash looking about her Masters room at his tools of the trade.

"Soth will contact us when he decides where the drow goes." Shadow responded. Unused to using an actual voice, it came out more of a whisper. Looking at the guard, Shadow smiled, "And since Lash is is the master's newest project, pray nothing happens to him while you watch." The last time a guard failed in his duty, Soth made an example of him. Shadow then vanished, presumeably to report to Lord Soth.

"I will take the utmost care of you then... Lash." The female says with a snear on her face. She retook her place along the wall however and simply kept an eye on him. If he took ill or was hurt beyond helpfulness she knew exactly what would happen to her. She needed no reminders. She would be watchful of this new project of her Lord's.

Lash laid back down, waiting until he had the strength to move and react. "I wonder how Asper is, and for that matter how my son is doing?" He didn't expect an answer to his question, and frankly if she stuck her nose in, he'd cut it off. He started to make lists in his head of things he needed and wanted to equip himself with.

The female guard looked over at him and gave him a queer look before she shook her head a little and stood where she was awaiting her orders from Soth or for MAster Caliban to have need of her again.

"You, I need some water and a bit of food." he told her. Lash figured she'd balk at his request. Why hadn't she told him she was pregnant? And why would she allow Asper to raise him? When he had the chance he would get Shadow to locate her and perhaps he'd start with her instead of Asper.

"What do you think I am? A maid?" The guard scowls at him and walks to the door, she unlockes it and opens it. "The new project needs food and clean water. Have some brought down." She orders gruffly before shutting and locking the door again. "Better now?" She asks raising her eyebrow at him and going back to her normal position against the wall. He was brooding and she hated babysitting.

Galin opened his eyes and yawned, looking at the sleeping form of Sarah. He felt Shadow nearby inferring what all had transpired. He pondered the knowledge and knowing Shadow could hear his thoughts, "Can Darryl keep you from doing this again?" "Possibly master, but he will need his full power and her permission to be in her head again." Galin smiled, the half-drow would never allow that and so they could torture her at their leasure. He again looked at Sarah, even small victories made him desire his trophy.

Sarah slept peacefully, worn out from the rigors that Galin had put her through before she had fallen asleep. She lay peaceful in her slumber. Not dreaming and curled with her back against Galins hard male body. Completely unaware of the goings on around her or in the room. Unaware of the lustful gaze of Galin resting on her.

Galin disentangled his arm from her and exited the bed. He put on his robe and went to the door of his chamber. "Guard, go place a this order for breakfast." he ordered then gave the man a list. He closed the door and glanced at the papers on his desk. His new reports should be here today, as he slid back into bed and leaned down to kiss Sarah's neck.

"mmm" She moans softly and turns over onto her back. Not quite awake just yet and not really asleep any longer either. Still completely relaxed and comfertable in his ever so nice bed and warm with his body beside him.

He kissed her again and slid his hand under the covers to rub her body. "Good morning Sarah, did you sleep well?" he asked her. Galin gently pulled the blanket down and kissed her chest. He felt playful until the food and reports came. Sliping his hand between her long legs and squeezed gently.

Sarah groaned and her legs squeezed together, her eyes fluttering open. "Lor- G-galin... mmmm I did ah! It was good." She moans answering his question and moaning at the skill and pleasure his hands brought her. She was only just waking up but already her body felt hot and her loins tight. She didn't know if he was like this all morning or if it was because she was there or he had a good morning already.

Hearing her moan, he began to bite her nipple as he began to massage her. He was fighting arousal, wanting to see what she would do when he released her. Suddenly, he had a wicked idea, he'd do the last thing she ever expected. "Breakfast is taking to long, I'm hungry now!" he declared slipping below the blankets. Galin found her nether regions and began pleasing her with his mouth.

Sarah who had been moaing from his treatment of her, looked at him in confusion at his words and then with a shocked squeal sat up quickly only to fall back onto the bed with a groan. "Gal-galin! Oh!" she moans out her hands going to his head her fingers gently gripping his hair. She was biting her lower lip, she didn't want to cry out too loudly that the guards came bursting in, but she was moaning and gasps punctuated the noises she made occasionally.

Galin increased the pressure he used upon her body. His guards knew the difference between pleasure and murder, so she could scream out until the ruins fell around their ears. Some women hated when he did this, Tess stopped him saying it was dirty. With Sarah he didn't give her a choiced in the matter. He found the taste of a woman was better than the finest wine.

Sarah cried out unable to contain the pleasure she was receiving from Galin. Never before had she felt such almost concentrated pleasure on her, but it made her ache for something else. It made her loins ache to feel him inside of her. Her fingers tightened in his hair and she cried out his name as her body snapped. HEr back bowing her hips grinding adn her body sweating a little as her chest heaved with each breath she took. His name cried out loud and highpitched as the torent of her pleasure overwhelmed her.

Galin moved up, positioning himself above her, he kissed her deeply as he thrust inside her. Her body was warm and inviting and he pulled her as close as possible. "You are a delcious meal Sarah, I think I'll have to do that more often." he whispered in her ear. He began to move against her, savoring the noises that she made. Almost lost in thought he continued to thrust, of all the things Sarah would never refuse him, and he kissed her harder with more hunger.

Sarah groaned beneath him. Wrapping her legs around his hips and grinding herself against him when he thrust hard into her. It drew him deeper into her and let her feel him much more thoroughly. His words made her shiver and her body to tingle as she tightened a little around him. He was incredably skilled in bed and she knew she would never meet any kind of equal to him. Galin. Galin Ravenwood.

He continued to press into her, latchinng his mouth to her breast and biting gently on her nipple. Her body pleased him to no end, and her willingness to let him do as he will did as well. Galin decided that sending her to Shadizar to learn would be a genius move. She would return and be able to pleasure him morning, noon, and night. The thought made him smile, as he felt the pressure between them build.

Sarah moaned and ground against him, her head back moaning out his name, her nails scraping his back as she lost the thought to keep her fingers in check. So thoroughly was he moving against her that it wasn't long before she screamed out his name her legs pulling him tight against her her nails digging into his shoulder blades. Her inner walls clenching tightly around him.

As she clung to him, he filled her with his seed. He groaned and kissed her deeply. Galin didn't mind the scratches or anything else she could do to him. Once the desire was sated he pulled the covers over them both and looked towards the door. "Guard, what news of my oreder for food?" he called out to them. While awaiting an answer he continued to rub Sarah's body lightly.

Sarah panted beside him on the bed. Unable to understand how he recovered from what they did together so easily. But then she dismissed it. He knew a great many things that she did not and it did not worry her about those things either. So she was determind not to let this one bother her either. REally though food sounded very good at the moment and as she got her breathing under control Sarah smiled softly gazing at him from where she lay.

The guards rolled in the tray of food, it had arrived a little while ago. But, neither guard dared to interupt Lord Soth while he was otherwise engaged. "Our apologies my Lord, we didn't wish to distrup you." they quickly announced. Once he dismissed them they turned quickly and left the room. "There is no way I would have went in there," one confided, "Otherwise you'd wind up like the drow wizard."

"MAster Caliban is someone I never want to be in the care of." The other guard agrees nodding his head. Sarah smiled and sat up before grimancing and laying back down with a groan. She was very sore this morning. To the point her abdomen hurt a little. Besides she could feel his seed and it was cold now that they were no longer joined in their passions. She lay for a few more moments hoping the dull ache of pain would soon subside.

"Have I hurt you Sarah?" Galin rolled to his side and saw her grimace. "Perhaps I am too large for your body to handle?" he was only partially concerned. He stood and went to the tray, brining back some food, "Here I shall feed my little bird." He offered her a small piece of sausage as he set the plate of fruit, bread, and some eggs on the stand nearby. With a slight sigh he wished she could handle his attentions without acting like this, but she did just lose her maidenhood a short time ago.

"Just sore... It doesn't hurt." Sarah says sitting up despite how uncomfertable it was. She smiled though and nibbled the sausage he offered her. She wished he didn't look dissapointed now. So she licked the sausage before biting off the very end bit. He was large but it was more she thought the fact they had done so much in the last few hours more then anything else. she would have to just bear with the pain and act normal though. She refused to seem weak in this.

Galin heard what she said and noted her act, all with satisfaction. "Perhaps next time I enter you, we will give you time to get a little more used to my size." He offered her another bite and even wiped her lips. "Something to drink, my little bird?" he would reward her desire to show him her strength. Once she'd eat her fill & regained her strength, he'd get his own food.

"yes please. If you want to Galin... I wouldn't dream of asking if you did not enjoy it also." Sarah says softly as she watched him. Releived he was smiling again and the nickname her created for her made her blush a little. She was so happy it felt almost as if she were dreaming.

"Oh, I enjoy it, I enjoy you very much little bird." he carressed her breast. Suddenly Galin decided that he should make the next time later and reward her attempt to show him strength. He got up and retrived a wet rag and started cleaning her body. "I don't think you will be cleaning today Sarah. In fact you will only help to clean me, you will oversee the servants that clean my chambers and cook for us."

Sarah blushed as he wiped her off and cleaned her. She didn't know why she was being ordered not to clean, she was very grateful because she was sore but confused. "Then I will do my best so that you can be assured everything goes as it should and is taken care of the way you prefur it." She says softly, not wanting to dissapoint him.

Shadow entered Caliban's chamber quickly, "Lash, we have a problem Darryl is planning on constructing defenses to keep us out." Glancing quickly at the guard then back to Lash. "We have an option available to us however, we will slip into her mind undetected and pull her back into her memories." Lash's face showed he partially understood what was happening. "I already have leave from Soth to keep, Darryl busy because he will not leave his wife while we have control."

The female guard didn't pay them much attention. Other then making sure Lash didn't bother anything or her. She stayed where she was and watched it all.

Almost a few minutes passed while Lash and Shadow planned what they would do next. The soldier heard the cell door open and saw a flash of movement, as Vennis Tryfell exploded from captivity. His eyes glowed with rage and hatred and he was casting a spell. He also had a weapon of some sort.

The female guard drew her short sword and rushed to engage the Drow wizard. she didn't think of anything other then to put him back down, and in captivity. She sprung forward preparing side slash her arm already drawn back to slice him down.

His spell hit her square in the face tossing her hard against the wall. Taking the opportunity to stop and steal her fallen sword and disciple pin. Vennis was about to kill the stupid human, when the snap of a whip caused him to jump away. The new human was wobbly on his feet but, seemed capable with the whip. Keying the magic and sending the portal for two miles outside Garrison, then stepped through.

Lash managed to walk over and heft the guard onto one of the tables. "Substandard guards, where were you when I was held prioner in Andor." He placed his head near her lips to see if she was alive, "head must be harder the stone."  He coiled his whip and secured it to his belt, no weapon, the damn drow must've taken it. "Shadow, I'd let the boss know his pet drow is on the loose." After the psion disappeared, Lash pressed his lips to the guards, then brought her around, "You owe me and I will collect."

"Shit!" the female sits up quickly and groans her hand going to her head she lays back down. "Damn drow Bastard!" she swore vehemetly under her breath. She knew she was hurt, that spell really knocked her back against the wall. She was just glad it was the clear wall and not the one covered in tools and or various sized hooks and such. As for the human she scowled at him. "I owe you nothing." She says focusing her gaze on him. It had been a long time she she had let a man hold anything over her, she didn't want to start now again.

"Oh yes you do," he pointed to his whip, "the drow would've slit your throat had I not interjected myself." He smiled at her before deciding to put a finishing touch on it. "You know if they suspect you failed in your duty," he let the sentence trail off. He would hold her accountable to him for a favor or two. 

"Bastard Son of a whore!" The female curses him, she knew what would happen to her. She knew exactly what would happen to her. Soth would come and behead her or for this if he was very displeased she would be under Calibans care instead of helping Caliban. She shuddered just thinking about it. She hated to owe him anything but it was the truth the or at least his version of it. She was unconsious at the time and therefore had no recollection of what had happened.

"So what is your name my little strumpet?" he asked casualy. He didn't know exactly how to look at her. She wasn't overtly attracive, but he didn't always think of base desires first. "We'll have to discuss how you can thank me, later." he sneered. He was waiting for Shadow so they could go back after Asper & Darryl.

"Angahed" She says closing her eyes and trying to figure out how badly she wsa hurt. She knew they'd be coming back very soon and she would be in deep trouble then. she sat up only this time slowly. Her vision swam for a little and then stopped after a few moments of resting upright. She swung her legs over hte side and stood up holding the edge to keep her balance.

He stood her up, "Angahed, well I'm sure we will be close friends. Our story is that the drow feigned that he was choking and escaped when you went to check on him. I kept him from killing you and he used the pin to escape. Sound like a good plan, my new friend?" He wondered if she would ask what he wanted for his help.

"My loyalties are to Soth... 'friend'... But if you wish to plan on this then story would best be I didn't hear any breathing." She says scowled at his hands on her person. She didn't trust him and she knew men like him usually wanted three things. A woman, A minion, or an escape.

She saw what looked like the gleam of firelight in his eyes, "That is where my loyalty lies as well. Angahed, I think that if you work with me you'll find a great deal more success." Leaning near her he whispered, "I am now a ranking member in his inner circle. And I keep those who help me very happy." He pulled her close and eyed her, "So, a friend or punishment?"

She was silent a few moments while she thought about it. She was still dizzy and if she tried to pull out of his arms she might fall. Leaving her worse off. "Angie... just call me Angie." She said in a low almost angry voice. He was only a ranking member so long as he continued to prove useful to Lord Soth. Such had the Drow wizard been and he hadn't lasted very long either. It was only a matter of time Angie figured. It wasn't that bad of a deal.

He helped to the bunk he had used, taking a liberty or two in moving her about. Lash loosened her armor, "Recovery is easier out of this constrictive suit." She may not have been much to look at, but her body put him in mind of Asper's mother. "I don't plan on mistreating you Angie, I've heard the men commenting on who will get into your armor first.", he rubbed her knee. "And if I was in your armor already, wouldn't they leave you alone?"

"If all you want is a warm female body use a slave." Angie snarls knocking his hand away from her knee. She was furious at the way he had already touched her and 'helped' her to the bunk. She didn't lay down. In fact she tightened her armer back up. It wasn't dented or harmed it was her head that had hit the wall. It was her body that had taken the damadge. As for what the men said she knew what the men said. She preffured women.

"While I'm here, no slaves, and as I said Caliban has made a couple modifications to me. What common rank and file gets that treatment? So, you help me now, and I'll keep you in good graces." he grasped her chin. There was something more angry than how he touched her. "Perhaps if you bring a slave, we could share?"

"How am I to 'help' you?" Angie spits out angrily. Careful not to do anything that might upset him more. After all she didn't have a weapon nor was she in the right state of mind to be much use in a fight and she knew that. As for modifications she didn't know what he was talking about. she didn't now what Caliban had done to him exactly. "I can't leave this room until my relief gets her besides." She says eyeing him, still angry but a little more cautious since he held her chin.

He stood and smiled at her, "I have been in prison a long time, it would be possibly the only time I request this help." He opened his pants then looked back at her. "Angie, I will keep your secrets, the drow's escape and if they frown upon your preferences, those too." It was true it had been a long time, and discrection would be paramount if she agreed. "Unless I should remember how the drow really escaped."

Angie scowled deeply. She'd prefur to use her dagger and relieve him of the thing she believed ruined all men. "Why not use a slave girl? They are clean. Soth would have no others for his men." She scowls looking at his face still. She had killed men for such things in the past. She had enjoyed the killing of men very much, it was one of the reasons she had joined the Sothites. No one else would take her. She wanted to try to make this man use another if at all possible.

"I'm not allowed to leave and slaves can't enter this area." he reminded her. "Besides, you remind me of someone Angie, do this for me and your secrets are safe. Then perhaps, after a time of our partnership we will share a slave." Lash looked at her expectantly, if she got this over with, they could continue their duties. 

"Know this Lash-" His name spoken as if acidic from her lips "When Soth has tired of you and you have not been killed by any other. I will be the one to slay you." She scowls before roughly grabbing him and working towards getting him what he wanted from her. She would do the least she could to get him off. And she was revolted by what she was doing, she didn't look at what she was doing either instead looking at his stomach and concentrating very hard on something else.

He groaned loudly, it had been a very long time since his last brush with a woman's lips. "Pity Angie, I was thnking of plying master Caliban of giving my favorite guard powers like mine." He placed his hands on her neck and began to move his hips lightly. Lash could feel his swell start and knew he would climax soon. With a smile and moan he decided to keep that information to himself.

Had Angies mouth not been full she would have had a scathing reply for him. As it was she was trying to be able to keep breathing and not gag as he pushed her forward and moved his hips at the same time. She was concentrating hard to not bite down however much she might wish to cause him pain and or kill him at this moment.

He groaned again, "Pity you don't like men, even angry you have a talent for this. Now I have something to tell you, if you attempt to harm me, I'll use my new strength to snap your neck like a twig." Lash waited a second for his words to sink in, then climaxed into her mouth. As it subsided, he withdrew and smiled at her. She would have swallowed at least half of what he put inside her.

Angie coughed and gagged a little until he withdrew. She then spit and coughed trying to rid her mouth of his foul seed. Cocky arrogant bastard, like all the others she'd ever encountered. It was true though whatever Caliban had done to Lash he was stronger and more intuitive then he was before. More then a regular human was anyways. The coughing was making Angie's head throb and a dullness to appear around her vision. She knew then she had a concussion. She'd had one or two before, she knew the Drow had hurt her she was just angry she'd walked right into the middle of his spell like she had.

Lash took some water and washed the remaining seed from the floor and offered it to Angie. "I must say, you were so wonderful." then straightened and leaned against a tabble. Moments later master Caliban and more guards arrived. "What has happened and where it Tryfell?" the psion demanded. He looked at Angie instead of lash for an explanation.

Angie immedietly stood and wobbled before sitting back down. "Gone sir. He attacked me and took my pin while I was down." She says first of all. Grimancing again as she had to blink a few times to try and clear her vision. "He stopped breathing, I went to check on him and he blasted me with some kind of spell. I... don't know what happened but I woke and Lash was the only one here sir. My pin was gone as was my weapon." She says prepared for the worst.

Caliban narrowed his eyes, he was dipleased, she had failed him and it seemed he failed Soth. "I am not pleased, and what do you feel should be your punishment?" He looked at Lash then back at Angie, "Lash what did you see and hear?" As he turned to look at the man to see what light he could shed on this. Lash looked at Angie with a smug look on his face, while deciding what he would say.

Angie sighed, she was expecting death, torture or to be an experiment of Caliban's. She was sure those were all appororiete from Soth's point of view. She didn't look at Lash she knew what he would look like being smug and she didn't need to actually see it. Besides her head was throbbing and her vision was still a little dim. She didn't want to make too many more sudden movements otherwise she would puke.

"Master Caliban, I verify what she said." Lash said. "We all know how tricky those rock fucking mushrom eaters can be. Besides, Angie seems to be a very good guard, if you wish to get rid of her." He looked at her and gave her a small smile, "I'll ask she be included with my people, as maybe a third, if she will loyally serve me."

Caliban noted Shadow's arrival then turned to Angie and Lash. "This will have to wait until, the assualt is over Lash. Angie your fate will be decided by Lord Soth, until then return to the general population." He the left to check one of his other experiments.

Lash leaned over before leaving with Shadow, "Better being on my side than a corpse or worse." He straightened and said, "Well, Shadow I think we should terrify our prey don't you?" They left then allowing Angie to be alone with her thoughts.

Angie sighs and put her head in her hands. She felt it would have been better to be killed then 'belong' to Lash. But she had no choice in the matter and no matter how often she guarded for Caliban and his beasts or if she was one of the few who could stay in the room and hold down the experiments without a problem she wouldn't be spared. She stood slowly and went to the door telling the guard to summon her replacement guard she was dismissed early.

Soth was in his study, waiting for the time he would send the spell to speak with Flint. He paced back and forth, he was impatient about this, "Guards, have Sarah bring me wine." Stopping in front of this scrying miror he called forth it to watch Flint. The mirror was slow to respond and he grew more aggitated. Someone or something had best hurry, or he would be upset.

Sarah was quickly ushered inside a knock on the door and telling Soth Sarah had arrived. Sarah was confused but she obiediently chosen the wine and let them heard her to the door of a place she was rarely allowed to enter. She stood just inside the doorway and saw his agitation, she swallowed and ignored it, acting as if he were calm around her at least. "I've brought a good sweet white whine for you Master Soth." She says softly holding out her choice for him.

The mirror cleared and showed them Flint slicing Vennis's sword hand off. Soth turned quickly, forgetting Sarah was even in the room. "Damn drow, but apparently Flint is a fighter. Guard summon a wizard to teleport me to him if needs be." He then saw her and nodded pointing to the table and turning back to the mirror.

"Yes lord Soth right away!" the guard says before literally running from the room. When Soth was in a mood it was best to not dissapoint and get him what he wished as fast as possible, or it might mean trouble. Sarah nodded her head and set the bottle down on the table and set down a glass. She stared at the mirror and wondered at the Drow holding a heavily bleeding purple stump in his hands and the man on the ground who looked... so much like Galin it wasn't even funny. His son she thought bemusedly, was as handsome as his father yet not quite so broad.

When the wizard arrived, Soth ordered him to teleport him to that location. "Yes my lord." he began casting immediatly upon pulling out his supplies. He opened the portal and Soth stepped through leaving both the wizard and Sarah behind him. The wizard bowed to Sarah nad left the room, leaving her to watch what was transpiring as Lord Soth arrived and began tearing into the orcs.

Sara moved closer to the mirror and looked into it carefully. She then frowned there was a woman on the ground dazed and struggling to get up and clear her eyes. Lord Soth was amazing in his abilities to fight however and she couldn't help but feel even more attracted to him then before. Admiring the way he took down the orcs almost effortlessly.

Once he stepped from the portal, Galin unhooked his cloak and let it fall in a heap. "Oh, I love how even when the plans change they stay right where I set them too." He smiled at Sarah and undid his sword belt and dropped it as well. "You were telling me about the wine Sarah, don't just stand there, pour or I shall be forced to ravage you." he teased and again smiled. Stripping off his shirt and boots, he then unlaced his pants and grabbed his robe after becoming fully nude.

Sarah turned quickly and blushed brightly upon seeing him there before her. "I... uh... I yes it was... um it was a white wine... A one hundred and thirteen year old vintage and it's from the Tessian brewery in the southplant. It's one of their famous strawberry grape brews." Sarah talks quickly and walks over to the table pulling out the cork quickly and putting it in the glass. Swirling it a little she let it breathe a few moments before she made sure he was watching and took a sip of it. After what she had seen in that mirror... of his battle and of the Drow's and the others she was a little dumbfounded.

He stood before the mirror and continued to watch the unfolding scene in front of him. "I wonder how her father's death will affect, Lyriels relationship with FLint. Sarah, you said the wine was Tessian? I don't believe I've had one of them before." Galin watched them working on FLint, and was mildly paying attention to Sarah as well. Killing the orcs reminded him of a younger time, only it was Andorians he was killing.

"Yes I did. Is... Flint your son My lord?" Sarah asks softly walking forward holding the glass out for him. She wondered what he was thinking of as he watched the mirror and what was going on. She had to admit the other two men standing were certainly appealing looking. But she had never been one for married men and the other one still looked almost as if he was a child still. Certainly he was just coming into adulthood. She didn't respond to Soth's other spoken words because she didn't feel it was her place.

He took the glass and tried it, "hm, very good Sarah, you still do not disappoint me, except in the amount of clothes you wear." Galin smiled, he had done well tonight and planned on indulging in his distraction. With a motion of his hand he replayed what Alehial said to Flint, "Intriguing, my sister-in-law intends on blocking this arranged marriage. I wonder how?" He finished the glass of wine, and watched the horses fade from view. Turning he patted her cheek, refilled his glass and sat in his chair. Inside his mind he crossed of the plan that would bring Flint to his side, below it he made a addendum, and again smiled at Sarah.

"Then that woman... was Alehial Ravenwood my lord?" Sarah asked after blushing prettily at the compliment and then blushed deeper as if he wanted her to strip to serve him his wine. She had to admit she looked very very similar to the apparent half elf she had seen. Though the women had killed three orcs in a matter of seconds and wielded blades and magic in skill Sarah would never be able to possess. His smile though made her stomach tighten a little and she wondered... now that he had seen Alehial Ravenwood would he want to take Sarah with her in mind. It left a bitter taste in Sarahs mouth just thinking about it.

"I see the wheels in your mind, Sarah." he said frowning a little that she made no move to remove her clothes. "Alehial Ravenwood is herself, and you are the one that has shared my bed and taken my seed into your body. Do not become confused that when I thrust into you, it is you I am claiming. If you doubt my words then return to your chambers. I will have no need of a doubting woman in my bed." Galin looked at her awaiting her movement to the door or to remove her clothes.

"No! I don't doubt you Lord Galin! I just... was struck by the siilarities between us." Sarah says earnestly as she reached back and removed her apron letting it fall to the floor. They were in his study and she felt a jolt of exhileration go through her at the way he spoke. She was blushing brightly at his speek of Seed and claimings and thrusting. It wasn't long before her overdress fell to the floor as well leaving her only in a white shift she she also quickly shed standing before him. she did beleive it but with each word he spoke to her of his claim on her she let it drop. She would believe everything he said at face value. She would trust him completely.

He smiled at her reaching over he plucked two wands then cast both on himself. "I think we shall work on getting you used accepting me." he said standing and walking her to his adjoining chamber and bed. Galin pulled her before him, cupped his hand and began massging her nethers. Pulling her close he used his tongue to roam her mouth. "I shall have you be on top, Sarah since it will be easier for you to become accustomed to my size", as he laid onto the bed and waited for her.

Sarah blushed brightly and nodded her head. Feeling the slight tingle of magic over her and she climbed up after him. She was already wet so that wouldn't be a problem. Climbing over him she gave him a small nervous smile, reaching back and gripping him in her hand she positioned herself as well and slowly let her hips down over top of him. Feeling him against her she bit her bottem lip and groaned as the tiip of him entered her. Sliding down a few more inches until she had taken nhim half way she paused and panted a light sheen of sweat covering her already. He felt wider from this position and she already felt full from his hot cock inside of her tight warm core.

Galin groaned as he disappeared into her, "Gods, such a wonderful body you have Sarah." He had to fight the urge to grab her and pull her down, fully entering her. Instead he reached up and fondled her chest, pulling lightly upon her nipples. The smile and now the sweat and panting began to make him even more excited, he became fully aroused and pulled her down into a kiss. "Are you comfortable Sarah, I hope this will help you be able to better accept me?" he asked looking into her eyes.

"Galin there is nothing I don't accept about you. You and your mission saved me. I don't care of anything you might do to me I will always trust you and serve you faithfully any way I can." Sarah said between groans, when he had become even harder inside of her she slid another few inches down on him and tightened around him in surprise of the deeper intrusion. There was only a few more inches of him but still she gasped and her fingers gripped his pectorals her nail scraping down his chest leaving red marks behind in her surprise of him. She was still slick and hot, his hand toying with her body made sure of that.

"Oh, I'm sure you will serve me admireably, Sarah. You proved that in so many ways, from knowing what I would find paletable, to surprising me when you serviced me in the elven fashion. In truth, of all my partners, you have been the best." he told her. Galin's hand fell and he gently rubbed at her nethers, finding her little pearl and giving it special attention. Galin didn't lie to her, she knew more than Tess about life, and was willing to do things he doubted Alehial ever would.

Sarah had smiled brightly and her heart filled with even more love for the man she was on top of then before. His words would stay with her forever and she knew that. As soon as his hand touched her clit she gasped loudly and sat straight up which made her slid down until his length was burried as deep inside of her as it could go. The head of his cock was pushed up against her womb and it made her clench around him and cry out as her body tightened aorund him and she orgasmed her body shuddering on top of his and his name fell her from lips as her tunnel held him ever so tightly.

Normally when her body squeezed like that he would have climaxed, but the one wand he used would prevent that. His finger stopped manipulating her clit and he stroked her thighs. "Sarah, my dear you are holding me so tightly, better than any before." he continued to stroke her ego. "We'll stay like this for a long time, letting you get used to me and gaining pleasure as you go." informing her as his hands fondled her chest.

"Oh Galin! Y-your so big... so gooooood." Sarah moaned leaning forward into his touches as her body slowly calmed back down again. Though her thighs quivered every now and then, she finally got her breath back and rose up on her knees a little better up off of him only a few inches before she slowly sank herself over his rigid flesh, making herself moan and doing it again. she was taking it slow as he had never let her set the pace completely before. He usually just ravished her until she could go on no longer. This was nice and she could feel him throbbing inside of her.

Galin groaned, her body ws slick and warm moving easily up and down on him. "Perhaps I shall suspend my plans for sometime while we continue this wonderful pace." he whispered husky and thick to her. Taking his hands ha began to fondle her chest again, pinching and pulling her nipples. "Sarah, you're sparking a seed of desire in me, I endevour to give you time to adjust but wish to impart more of my seed into you." Again he dropped a hand and started to rub her clit again.

Sarah writhed on top of him as soon as he began manipulating her most sensitive of areas. His hands seemed to know how to touch her chest and make it feel heavenly, but his touch to her core was divine surely. It only took a moment or two before she tightened around him like a hot slick velvet glove as she came yet again from his body and his touches. The words he spoke to her made her desire something she knew he would never let happen if he could help it. His deep rumbling voice spurred her you lift and drop grinding on him as she came panting heavily her face flushed and looking down into his own face.

"You clutch me tighter every time Sarah, you may sooner or later crush me flat." he groaned at her. Drawing her down he sought out her mouth, then her breast. Her lips were sweet, and her skin soft and delectable, he kissed and bit gently on her. Lifting her up a little bit, he pulled her down and himself deeper up into her. His breathing wasn't as labored as hers, and he was probably half of an hour to hour from climaxing thanks to the wand.

"AAH!" Sarah tightens around him unprepared to take his full length and girth so deeply so fast or hard. It felt amazing and she literally saw stars in front of her eyes, her hands in his hair as he held her close to him. "Galin! oooh Galin yes!" she moans out above him, rocking her own hips forward and squeezing him a little, she wanted this to feel good for him to but she didn't understand why he hadn't orgasmed yet either. Usually they went several times and this time it was only her. She didn't let the thoughts take away her enjoyment of all the pleasure though. she was relishing the attention he was giving to HER.

Galin moaned and bit a little harder on her nipple, savoring the noises she made. Her movements were making him wish the spell prolonging this was over so he may give her his climax. "Oh, sweet Sarah, I wanted you to become accustomed to me so that in future joining you will not hurt so badly after." he confided in her. He felt the heat of her body against him and her hands in his hair. Brining his mouth to hers he kissed her deeply and began to slowly thrust into her.

Sarah shuddered and groaned into his own mouth letting him have his way with her. His slow pace was driving her mad with the need to have him take her forcefully. She wasn't used to this kinder gentler love making. It was wonderful yes and she enjoyed it immensly but for the past few days he had been anything but slow and kind in his love making. Other then her very first time it had all been rough and fast and she now almost wanted it to be that way. She knew the more she had sex the easier it would become and she already had all of him as she was on top and yes each thrust inside of her put him up against the entrance to her womb, and yes it hurt a little it also felt good. He had been doing it in the past as well and now she didn't really mind as long as he was the one making her feel that way.

"Is something wrong Sarah, I want you to tell me if there is something you want me to do differently?" he asked. He was still thrusting into her, feeling himself touch her womb and wondered if she wanted a change of pace. So, he began to thrust a little harder into her lifting her almost all the way off and pressing harder into her. Suddenly, he felt the prolonging spell end, and he smiled wickedly. He rolled over and drug her to the edge of the bed and began to thrust harder and faster.

Sarah had shook her head before he grinned. It made her even more slick then she had been seeing that slightly mischievious evil little smile on his lips. She did however clutch the blankets and sheets beneath her tightly. Crying out at each hard thrust inside of her. She couldn't not cry out and moan at his savagry and she loved it. Screams of Galin's name fell from her lips followed by yesses and by the gods. Her legs wrapped tightly around his waist, she was very happy and content to let him pound deep inside as far as he could get into her.

Galin knew she was enjoying his attentions and was paying attention to how soon she would climax. And he paced himself to be ready to share that climax, sending his seed into her womb. Windering what that would do to Sarah, he hoped something amazing. Looking down across Sarah he continued to thrust savagely into her as deep as he could.  He didn't speak only groans and grunts as he did so, enjoying her body as he did so.

Sarah groaned tightening her legs around his waist and digging her nails into his flesh on his biceps as she clasped him, Crying out with his name falling from her lips her body spasmed and tightened down around his engorged throbbing member. Her body shuddered and she was covered in sweat from their coupling together so slow and then viciously.

When her body tightened around him Galin could no longer hold back. His member swelled and his climax occured. He was panting and lowered onto the bed beside her. A thought occured to him suddenly about his plans, and his mood darkened. "What was FLint doing at the quarry, I didn't instruct him to be there." he spoke out loud to himself. 

"Perhaps your contact changed the plans because something got in the way?" Sarah says breathily. She was still panting from everything they had done together. She was looking at him with a small dreamy smile still on her face. Though the more he looked angry the more she got just little worried. She watched him wondering if something went wrong, she didn't really understand everything she had seen in the mirror but she suspected it had a lot or everything to do with that.

He looked at her quizzically, then smiled drawing her to him. "Continue your musing Sarah." he encouraged before lowering his mouth to her breast. He reached down and rubbed her again, if the contact told Flint to go to the quarry to the ambush. Tack was a loyal member of the dieciples he would need to get to the bottom of this and deal with Caliban and the guard who allowed his escape. Biting gently he waited to hear what Sarah would think or talk about.

"Well... I mean maybe ooooohh maybe something happened, someone misdirected him to uuuhhnn the wrong place. Or someone got in the way." Sarah moans out, unable to stop herself from moaning at his touches. His hands and even his mouth made her quiver beneath him. She gasped at his teeth against her sensitive nipple, now after so many orgasms she was especially sensitive to his ministrations.

He continued to pleasure her, as a reward for her insight. "Continue Sarah," he insturcted changing to her other nipple. Galin wondered exactly how the contact decided to send Flint there. Was there someone else to blame or was it a coincidence? He continued to manipulate her nethers, he was enjoying having his own little sexual oracle.

"I... Or someone did it on purpose." Sarah moaned gyrating against his hand with her hips. She couldn't think anymore, now that that was all out of her she was done. She didn't know the names and wasn't privy to any private information or even names of the very important people. She groaned and squirmed a little leaning up against him. Another orgasm close at hand for her, even though he hadn't done much she was sensitive enough that she was already close to the edge.

He released her nipple and mused, "So, Tack changed my orders and Caliban's guard was duped into allowing Vennis to escape. WHich one do I punish?" His hand continued to pleasure her, she hadn't given him a great insight, but it was the attempt he rewarded. "You may speak your mind when we are alone and you see me angered. But, I may or may not allow your council, do you understand Sarah." He knew she would show discretion, it was not a free license to speak her mind all the time.

"If it is your wish to hear me Galin, Then I will do my best to be heard but... uuunnn unless asked I will remain silent." She nodded her head in understanding even as she straightened her back and her insides clamped down. She bit her bottem lip and still oculd not stop the loud cry from leaving her as she climaxed yet again. "W-was this Tack informed of ma-er Vennis's change of position? If not it might have been Vennis himself that got the change to happen." Sarah says her breath not much more then a whisper as she panted for her breath and gazed adoringly at Galin.

He patted her cheek and smiled, laying onto his back. "His orders came directly from me, and thusly should have been checked before he blindly followed them. "Did you enjoy my attentions, little Dove?" he asked her. Thinking to himself he would have to question everyone involved and decide what punishment was required. He rolled Sarah up against him, on her side, "Thank you Sarah for being so, very helpful after this chaotic debuacle

"I did very much Galin. But... if I may... Vennis was his superior and if he was not informed of any change of that... why would he question it?" Sarah asked confused a little though she was very happy Galin was beside her and paying attention to her. As a Servant just about everyone was above her station and so if she was ordered she must do as ordered... there was no double checking for a servent, not unless they had done something wrong or were being freshly trained. She thought it was the same for guards but maybe she was wrong.

He looked at her closely, "Very intellignet thought Sarah." He felt desire rise again for her, he found her logic interesting. "However, DOve the order came directly from me and Vennis is not superior to me." he explained. "Tack should have not felt any concern to request a calrification of the order." He looked at her, then drew her hand over to him.

Sarah blushed brightly as her hand gently closed around him and moved to explore his quickly hardening member. His lust for her body amazed her in an almost frightening way. "Perhaps he may still be planning on sending it? No one is superior to you Galin, but Vennis WAS superior to Tack and was not verly long ago directly beneath your command." Sarah spoke softly leaning forward to boldly lick his collarbone and gently nibble on the skin of his shoulder. she hoped it wasn't to forward and it was obvious she was holding back from nervousness at doing such an act. After all she was still new as a lover and hadn't any training in the way of love making.

"You ardently defend him, I find loyalty comforting." he said as he smiled lightly. "My mind is made up to question those involved from Vennis's escape to changing the orders, and even to those that attacked Flint with him. That feels wonderful Dove, your attentions are welcome." he encouraged. He kissed her cheek and moaned lightly, enjoying her attentions.

Sarah blushed at the compliment and encouragement coming from Galin. She shyly reached out with her other hand to caress and handle his sack, the first hand never stopping it's ministrations to his manhood. Since he seemed pleased with it she continued to do it, licking softly after nibbling his skin on his neck and shoulder. The feel of his thick strong muscles in her mouth made her moan softly, it for some reason was very erotic.

Galin closed his eyes savoring, Sarahs attention. He gave her more room to do as she would. Her hands were strong from work, but her touch was like velvet. She would be given some formal instruction to improve on her rough skills while they were in Shadizar. A slight moan escaped his lips, "Oh, Dove you are doing a wonderful job."

Sarah pulled back minutely and licked her lips. She scooted down the bed, she hadn't done this but the once and that was before they had... done anything together. But she made up her mind and licked the tip. It was odd and after steeling herself to the fact it was both of their tastes and slowly took him into her mouth. Both of her hands never stopping what they were doing.

Galin moaned loudly and gasped, as her tongue made contact with the tip of his manhood. That was followed by a deep throaty groan as she took him into her mouth. "Gods above, Dove you spoil me while making me very happy." he said. He wondered honestly if he ever just opened his pants if she'd take him into her own hands. Laying his hands upon her head, he slid his fingers into her hair.

Sarah hummed a happy reply around his length as she took more of him into her mouth. She suckled his flesh and still her hand was around the base of his cock and her other hand manipulating his sac in her hand still. She hoped he would be satisfied and pleased with her. She squirmed a little to get more comfertable laying on his bed but once she was she went at it again fervently.

Groans escaped him more frequently, he didn't want to start thrusting for fear of making her gag. "My little Dove, I believe I choose corectly bringing you into my bed. Both in body and mind, you have exceeded my expectations." Galin moaned loudly and began to gently arch his hips to meet her mouth. Minutes passed and he began to swell as his climax began to flood Sarah's mouth.

Sarah muffled a curse and tried to swallow as much as she could but much of it escaped her mouth, wiping her chin with her fingers though she licked and sucked them clean. She really didn't mind the taste at all, what with all the wine Galin drank his seman really didn't taste all that bitter. Just really salty and warm. His comments and praises lifted her in a way even an orgasm couldn't. She knew she had broken the golden rule. Never fall in love with the man you are working for.

Galin brought her up and held her for a second, "After the tomorrow we will be heading to Shadizar. I may have you learn from another woman how to better serve. Are you willing to recieve teaching?" The woman he had in mind would do very well in showing Sarah how to do well. He yawned and kissed her a little bit.

"Yes of course I will! But we should sleep now. You've got a lot to take care of everyday." Sarah said smiling after the kiss. She quickly grabbed the covers and covered them both with them laying beside Galin happily. More then anything she realized she was deeply in love with him and that she would do almost anything for the man who probably didn't care that much. But if she could learn she thought maybe she had a chance to win him over.

The next morning, he woke early and disentangled from her. SHe had done such a wonderful job, he felt she deserved to sleep. He cleaned himself, dressed and opened the door, "Have Caliban bring me Angie and have Tack summoned." He then re-entered his private study and study all the intelligence. Uliza should be bringing him new information the guild and disciple leaders sent her regularly.

It wasn't long before Angie was ushered in with another guard beside her. They both bows and Angie had left all weapons and armer behind. She was in pants and shirt and boots. she didn't have a single weapon on her. She hoped things went well or at least in her favor.

"We will dispense with the pleasentries, explain how Vennis Tryfell escaped." He took stock of her, many soldiers commented that while very desireable she was frigid to them. "And you will tell me the truth about Lash's involvement. And I warn you a lie will cost you dearly." He indicated a body wrapped in several bedrolls.

"Yes Master Soth. His breathing had been labored from what Master Caliban had done to him." She said with a little smirk. "But then his breathing stopped Master. You had ordered that he was to remain alive and unconcious. I went inside of the cell to get him. I had my weapon drawn Master but the Drow had a sell and whatever it was I took it fully. I was knocked back against the wall and when I came to Vennis was gone and Lash was standing before me with his whip out. Lash told me he stopped Vennis from killing me but had not been able to stop him from taking my sword and pin Master Soth. Her long black hair was in a half braid and out of her way. She had a bandage around her head. She had found a gash and it had bled quite a bit when she had washed herself and accidently opened it worse. She was a full figured woman but the scars and her attitude often dissuaded men enough that she never had to.

"Is that all? I will not punish the truth," he told her. Seemingly she may be holding something back. Whether it was her reaction or how well he seemed to know Lash, she wasn't telling something. "Caliban has reported that he has released you from service, and Lash has requested you becoming his third?" He again watched her reactions and wondered what designs Lash had.

"Yes... so that I may repay him for saving my life. If you allow it of course my lord. I know Master Caliban's talents are hard for many of the men to handle." Angie said with a malicious grin at the thought of all the lovely torture and experiments Caliban did. Though she had grimanced at the topic of Lash. She still had not forgotten the vile deed he had done to her. She certainly was no lover of men and the servants had spoken of it often enough that it was rather common knowledge by now.

"Angie your grimace tells me there is something else. And if it concerns Lash I want to know otherwise you will have to follow his orders. This is your last chance to remain in Caliban's service." Soth would have Caliban look backward to indicate what else had happened, that she was not telling him. He suspected she was a loyal soldier and he always had need of those who remained loyal to him.

"I was injured Lord Soth. I knew not to what extent at the time. He told me to lie. And... Forced me to preform on him the elven arts." Angie spit on the ground as she said it. She was completely loyal to Soth and if he said he would spare her she beleived him. If he said he would not punish her for speaking the truth then she spoke the truth. She stayed kneeling before him, one hand above her heart one one knee, her head down. She put herself completely at his mercy. This was the only place she had ever been the most comfertable ith herself. That and she was allowed a lover as long as it was a slave and she enjoyed working for Caliban.

"And I take it that you disliked his size or taste or the fact he was male?" Soth asked, as it had been rumored also she prefered a woman's touch. Lash was smart being kept from women he found a way to indulge his desires. "And what is your wish Angie, to go back to Caliban or Lash and the missions that await him? Be warned though, I need you to loosen your hatred for the man. In return, I will give you leave when the time comes to remove him." He wondered what she would do faced with a decsion like this.

"I do not enjoy men Master Soth." Angie said there was no waver to her voice and there was no softness as she spoke either. But she did have to stop and think a moment about what he said. " I would prefur to stay with Master Caliban... But if I am allowed to end Lash... I will take which ever allows me to end him for you my lord. I will... work... on my hatred of him." She says not sure how that would work. She didn't know how to unhate someone until they were dead or dying at her feet. The promise of could keep her from such all consuming hatred though. She hadn't moved during this time.

"If I send you to Lash's command, you have to play the loyal soldier. If he orders you to clean his pipes or share in a conquest, you do so knowing if he betrays me, I will order you to slip your blade into his heart. Saying no will send you back to Caliban's service, but deprives you of command and a chance to avenge yourself upon him." Soth spoke plainly to her. "Shall I call you a slave girl to use or abuse as you see fit?" he offered. His look told her that a decision to be important or be normal, a third under Lash or a lowly guard that may never be here again.

"I do not abuse my lovers my lord. I will do what must be done as long as there are precautions I may use while... being loyal to Lash. I will do whatever is neccessary to serve you my lord and if it is to work beneath Lash then so be it. I choose that." She answers, she wanted to make sure she wouldn't get pregnant but other then that if she had to she would do whatever lash asked if only he showed his true colors and allowed her to kill him.

He offered her a hand up, "Good, you will report any disobedience to me directly or to Caliban. You will be gifted with wands of block the seed as you need them. Is there anything else you want or need while you are here?" He watched her reaction and as he waited noting that had she not been so upset he might have tried his luck to join Sarah and himself. "You are dismissed otherwise to await Lash at Calibans compound." he waited to see what she would do.

Angie took his hand and stood nodding her head that she understood she would be given what she required. "There is nothing more I would ask of you, my lord." Angie said before saluting quickly, she and the other guard turned to leave. they had been dismissed and the male guard escorting her was just a little peeved she didn't get any type of punishment though the fact she was so repulsed by Lash was amusing enough. they headed out the door.

Soth fingered the crystal in his pocket, it hummed lightly and was warm to the touch. "Guard, get some men to remove this refuse." pointing to the bedroll. He had to give Angie some credit, Lash had been in prison for some time, more than likely her new orders would involve a lot of time on her knees or back. Quickly he decided to assign Lash a lot of missions in Venir, where they refused the Guild to keep him busy. A lot of the discussions dealing with not following his commands ended with the bag being drug from the room. Oddly, he wondered if Sarah had woken from her sleep yet.

Sarah had woken and cleaned up herself as thoroughly as she could before she dressed herself, a little unhappy it was the clothes from the day previous but they were the only clothes she had with her in Galin's rooms. She then went about stripping the bed so it could be changed along with the sheets and taking the blanket off and folding it setting it in the corner. Galin was gone and she didn't know where he had gotten to but she stayed in his room and cleaned until he either sent for her or returned for her himself.

Galin returned to the room and looked at her handy work. He was surprised at her quickness in getting things arranged. "Good morning Sarah, how did you sleep?" he greeted her. "Have you bathed or requested breakfast yet? If not request for me as well and have it and you delivered back to my study, we'll bathe together later."

"I slept well Galin and I will do so quickly! I will be back momentarily then!" Sarah said dropping him a small curtsey with a smile on her lips. She was so utterly happy he wanted to eat breakfast with her. That he was leaving this up to her to choose. She wanted to at least change into fresher clothes for breakfast. She was still embarresed at being in her maid clothes each time they got together but she didn't own any other clothing.

Galin watched her go, he was indulging his toy perhaps too much for her own good. But, there was little else to do at this moment while he planned for other things. Perhaps a test of loyalty, he had not tested her and had information of a disloyal member of his guards. Returning back to his study, he summoned Nolk and gave him his orders. Then decided to contact Ileeana in Mu and Jone in Shadizar by pin and check on the progress.

Sarah had run quickly to the kitchens to have them send up eggs and bacon, sausage and Malkierian toast. Orange juice coffee and tea, then she ran to her own shared servants room and quickly changed into clean fresh clothes and went back to the kitchen. Once everything was loaded onto the tray she walked it up back to Galin's rooms and knocked on the Study door. The guards always frightened her a little and they kept eyeing her so critically, but she stayed where she was wit her head held high.

The guard opened the door and announced Sarah. "Send her in" was his reply, annoyed just a little. Most of his guards heard her screaming his name enough to know she was no threat to him. He stood when she entered, and quickly realized that one part of his test was a dire need. "Welcome, Sarah I take it your order for breakfast was handled quickly?"

"Yes of course it was! After all half of it is for you as you ordered. I got some of your favorites this time. I thought you might need it." Sarah said hoping it wasn't to rash of her to do so without being told. After all he still looked a little annoyed at what happened yesterday, she could only assume that was why he looked annoyed at least. She uncovered all the food on the tray so he could check it all, she knew she would be tasting everything again, but she knew it put him at ease how seriously she took this.

He chuckled, "Well you best hurry, else I'll clean you and make you my breakfast again." Sarah kept him from losing his temper, but sometimes like with Tack she didn't need to know everything. "You will be going with Nolk and one of his men to do some shopping for new clothes." He poured his own coffee and added some sugar to it. Returning to his seat he waited for her to bring him the plate.

"N-new clothes? Thank you Galin! But.. I wouldn't know what to buy!" Sarah says excited then worried what if she chose something he didn't like with his own money? She grabbed his plate and walked over setting it in front of him. Blushing softly from his first comment about making her his breakfast. She knew she was in the way of business but he had asked for her and she could do naught but obey him. Setting the silverware as well before him she smiled brightly at him, his smile towards her let her know she was doing well.

"Buy what you will, I trust you will do well." he informed her. He smiled at her and pinched her bottom. "After we eat, I think we should indulge in a quick bath." He took a bite of the eggs, there were excellent as always. He continued to eat and watch Sarah, today would be interesting indeed.

Sarah squealed and jumped both hands going to her bottem to try and cover it from attack from his hands again. "G-galin! You're eating!" She said with a face red and surprised. She had moved over to hte cart now so that she could eat as well. She wanted to get clean and it wasn't any offence to Galin she was just... sticky still. So she quickly sat and ate as well.

They shared the meal mostly in silence, then when it was over he waited for her to finish. "Come Sarah, we should both bathe before doing anything else." he extended his hand to her. He would have others clean the dishes away while they were gone. He opened the door and walked out to the guards and explained to get someone to take away the dishes while they went to bathe.

Sarah took his hand and smiled gently. sHe hid it once out of the rooms. She could feel their gazes on her. The servants the guards. Now this was physical proof of what she was. She didn't mind too much but she was blushing brightly and stayed near him. She watched the ground and followed behind him, unsure of what exactly she should be behaving like.

Soth took her from his study to the hot spring again, posting guards at the door. "We are not to be disturbed, any reasons can wait until we are finished." he instructed. He was aware of the servants and guards talk, he didn't care as long as they served him. "Well Sarah shall we indulge in a bath together?" He began removing his clothes and hanging them nearby.

"Yes!" Sarah said with a large smile. She quickly began to undo her own clothing as well folding them neatly and setting them to the side. Now no longer very shy to undress in front of Galin unless he was staring of course. She was warmed by the attention he was giving her. She didn't want to disapoint him in any way so she undressed quickly and gathered the soaps and wrags and things.

Galin allowed his eyes to roam over her naked form. He got into the spring and motion for her to join him. The water was just as warm as always and his muscles began to relax. As she began to get in he took her and pulled her into his lap. Kissing the back of her neck, he brought his hands up and rubbed her breasts.

Sarah moaned softly leaning back against his broad chest. Relaxing into his body and his hands. He was insatiable! And she absolutely loved it. The hot water soothed her slightly sore hips and thighs, and his hands made her feel wonderful. Laying her head against his shoulder she moaned her own hands covering his as they pawed her chest.

He grabbed the soap and lathered his bare hands and began to rub her again, down her arms but always returning to her breasts. "Have you given thought to what you intend to buy, Sarah?" his soapy hands slid along her thighs. Perhaps in the days to come in Shadizar he'd have her dress as a courtesan most of the time. Keeping his desires in check however, plans and resources had to come first. And hopefully he added as an afterthought, he could talk to FLint as well.

Sarah panted softly and nodded a little. "I have but I'm not sure what style you would prefur me in my lord. I've never had fine clothing... and there's slightly elven styles out there as well I thought maybe... I could try." Sarah mused softly her thoughts outloud to Galin. She had goosebumps from his soap slippery hands, her legs widened to accept his touch, she was getting used to his hands and accepting his touch. She moaned softly as his hands continued to carress her breasts, she hoped while at Shadizar she could learn everything she might need to please him.

"The style I would most approve of is nude." he chuckled and slid his hand close to her nethers. "The elven style will be fine, just try to stay away from stuffy types of clothes, if I desire you I'd rather not spend hours trying to get to you." Galin brought his other hand back to her breast and massaged it. His mouth began to kiss along her neck and shoulders, enjoyging the feeling of her body against him. The biggest question is how would his test go today.

Sarah moaned her legs quivering slightly at his ministrations. "I will keep them simple, I promise." She sighed out a moan softly following after her words. SHe didn't wonder why he had chosen her, or what he did when he hadn't been with her. She didn't wonder what it was that had drawn him to her or why all this good fortune had landed on her. She just thanks the gods they had given her this chance and letting her enjoy this perfect and wonderful man. 

Galin continued to stroke her body as he rinsed her body, the quivering and moans only increased his desire to make her climax. He helped her to the seat across from him, then leaned forward continuing to slide his fingers along her nethers & inside her. "Would you like me to stop Sarah? So that ou may get ready for your trip?" Slowing his interaction so that she may choose to have him stop. Taking the opportunity though he leaned over and suckled her breast.

Sarah gasped and spread her legs for him, her hands grabbing his shoulder and arm for support even whilst sitting on the seat. "No please not yet Galin, I-I'm so close it ah! it would be t-torture if you mmmm stopped now." Sarah moaned laying her head back against the edge of the large tub. Her breath heaved slightly, she knew she did have to go and get ready, but he wanted her to get dresses as well. But she was very close and if he stopped now she would beg him to let her finish before they left.

He smiled again and after cupping his hands under her, he brought her nethers to the top of the water and lowered his mouth. Galin sought out her pearl with his tongue. She would get what she wanted, he chose not to torture her. Squeezing her bottom in his hands, he pleasured her in the elven fashion for quite a while.

Sarah screamed his name when she climaxed and writhed against his ever so talented mouth. Her breath coming hard and fast and water dripped in single droplet down her body back to the water. She was more then satisfied and relaxed as he held her above the water except for her shoulders and neck and head. She trusted him completely not to drop her in the water though.

He gently lapped up he juices and lowered her hips back into the warm water. "I think your wine tastes best from the source." he whispered. Galin sat back and got ready to clean himself rag and soap in hand. Watching her recover was always a pleasure to him, making him realize he was good at more than warring. 

Sarah shivered and just breathed as she lay in the water and against the seat. His words always warmed her, and she watched him wash himself. Her eyes traveling where his hands did. "I would... love to meet your son someday Galin." She said softly watching him and wondering what his son was really like. Who that woman was that was obviously Drow. She had spoken without realizing it. It was something she had wanted to say but didn't want to anger him and she wasn't planning on saying it. She sat straighter and looked a little shocked when she had. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to be presumptouis My lord!" She said quickly hoping he wouldn't grow angry with her.

He looked at her curiously, his hand had yet to make it to his manhood. "Why would like to meet FLint, Sarah? And if you please, mind helping me?" not overtly concerned at the question just interested in the reasons. Did she wish to try pleasing the younger version, taking Flint's manhood into her mouth and body? Toying with the image in his head and the effect it would have on Lyriel Ravenwood. Saying she would still have anything to do with his son after her father's death.

"Of course!" Sarah says quickly moving over to his and taking the wrag he had been using to help wash him. "I... I wonder how much like you he might be... If he is as kind, or skilled as you are with people or blade. I wonder if... he'll take up your wonderful cause." Sarah said softly, she just wanted to see what the son of the man she had fallen in love with would be like and... if maybe she ever stood a chance with Galin, romantically other then sex. It was a silly thought though and she was berating herself for bringing it up in any fashion.

"My son was raised by his mother and help from my brothers family. So, unless it is ingrained in the name Ravenwood." he let the rest trail off. Between thinking of Tess again, he felt a small measure of anger at his family for not having given the boy to him. Luckily Sarah, her hands helping to wash him, cleared the thoughts from his mind. "Dove you are doing a very good job and making me very relaxed."

"I am glad I can relax you Galin. I am sorry about your son. I...I hadn't thought I'm sorry for... bringing up bad memories." Sarah said softly running the wrag and her hands down his body and over his legs. Once she finished she smiled up at him softly, it was a small smile, a slightly worried one. She hoped he wasn't angry with her, or dissapointed. She would make sure not to say anything else out of turn.

He looked down at her face, "Sarah you brought up no bad memories, you simply asked a question." Galin lowered himself back into the water and reached out to draw her close again. Her skin was warm and wet, he squeezed her then released her. "We need to dry off so we can do what needs be done." he explained. Upon exiting the pool, he took a towel and started to dry her sometimes rubbing with the towel other times he kissed before drying her.

"Yes... Shall... I wait for your summon when you wish me to be with you to leave?" Sarah asked softly smiling at his careful attention to her body. It seemed to her at time he took extra care of her, even when it was not needed. For what reason he did such she couldn't fathom, but she didn't mind. Once she was dry or at least her body, her blonde hair was still dripping a little and hung down to her butt. She pulled it over her shoulder and leaned a little over the water of the tub and twisted it squeezing what excess water she could from it.

"Yes, your new clothes will be packed for the trip and you will wait in my chambers. Then we will travel to Shadizar together, do you understand?" He took another towel and began drying himself as well. His test would be done by the time they left and he expected her to pass with flying colors. That was if she was as dedicated to him as she claimed to be.

"I understand. I'll be sure to be ready by the time you wish to leave. " Sarah nodded taking the towel he had used to dry her and dried her hair off as best as she could. She then pulled on her clothes quickly and waited for him to give her coin or some kind of thing to pay and order someone to take her. she didn't have a pin to come and go as she pleased. She was a member of the staff and she stayed in the encampment.

An hour later Sarah under supervision of Nolk a large Ophirian, and his supordinate Korl a Tessian, visiting shops along a Tessian shopping market. Korl no matter what kept watching her movements, his eyes dark and unscrutable. She had been told Korl had a specific amount that she was allowed to spend, but to find things she liked. They had stopped at a shop that sold shoes and sandals then several others. She had not been told anything about a time limit for this shopping trip.

Sarah was a little nervous about being so intently watched and well followed. But she said nothing and looked at boots and sandels. Picking one pair of each and then a pair of slippers as well. She was trying to be a little careful for the coin but to still please Galin. The boots were brown and the sandels were black but the slippers were a nice soft blue, her favorite color. She was wearing her only none work clothing which was a skirt and blouse off the shoulder type. It was white and the skirt was several different shades of browns. She had pulled her hair up into a twisted bun on the back of her head and was trying not to let the two men intinidate her. "I've got shoes, and I suppose dresses should be next?" She said softly thinking about it. She never had much to do with jewelry and it was frivolous spending anyways.

Nolk nodded his head, Korl spoke up, "There is a nice seamstress on the right up ahead. They are fast and capable, a cousin used them a month ago for a dress in a hurry. Perhaps Nolk should take the shoes back to the encampment." People milled about and none took notice of the trio, Nolk had the purchases in his hands. While Korl gave his idea, another male shopper banged into Nolk, "Whatch where the hell you are going!"

"Pay attention there are other people here buddy!" Sarah frowns at the guy, she hated it when people were rude like that. There was no reason for anger like that. "Let's go. Nolk can take them back if he wishes... But they are a small bundle. It's up to him." She says softly walking ahead looking for the shop Korl spoke of. Being as short as she was though she couldn't see over the people in front of them and hoped she would see it or they would direct her to it.

KOrl nodded to Nolk, "Go I'll see she makes it to the shop." He began to walk behind her down the row, watching as they got closer to their destination. When they entered he tossed the shopkeeper some coin, "We have a friend who is coming with this pin. Other than that you are closed, understand and she is your only customer." He turned and motioned Sarah forward to meet the stunned shopkeeper.

Sarah looked as stunned as the shopkeeper but shook herself out of it. "Um... I would like a few dresses please." She said softly blushing a little at the forcefulness of Korl. She had stepped forward to speak with the shopkeeper and hoped he would be alright with speaking with her so they could discuss a few things and figure out styles and fabrics and what have you.

"Of course, my name is Anamad and I can help you with whatever your needs are." he spoke in gentle tones. He showed her to his bolts of fabrics in multiple colors. He also had a couple completed dresses in many cuts and styles. "Is there a particular style, cut, fabric and color you look for miss?" Going to a small work table he grabbed a slate, chalk and measure sting.

Sarah smiled brightly and relaxed around him. "Well I want something easy... One or two peices, something along the lines of the elven fashion? I prefur blue's but deep reds and greens would be good as well." Sarah says looking around at everything waiting for him to ask her for anything certain to get her measurements. "I want a few thick gowns but not many, just a few. the rest should be light weight and fabric that doesn't wrinkle horribly." She says softly.

Anamad nodded and proceeded into the back of the shop. Korl sat near the door and kept his eyes trained on his charge. Sarah was Soth's new play toy and they had been instructed to be nice to her. He hated this assignment and even wished he could leave the disciples altogether. DOing someone else's bidding and following orders chaffed like a leash around his neck.

Sarah smiled brightly walking back over to the materials, checking them all out. She wondered for a moment what kind of fabric Alehial Ravenwood wore, or what colors for that matter. Sarah wrinkled her nose for a moment and moved to the blues and reds. Surely that stuffy Andorian Heroin never wore these colors.

Anamad brought out a dark red dress and indicated it might fit her. "I see blue is an interest as well as green, I do carry the darker colors in the fabric you wish. The amount of coin is not too much, say 150 silver for ten of varying color and fabric in suitable styles. I've forgotten my equipment to measure you, try this on over there and I will return anon." He went back into the rear of the shop to find hos things.

"Sure... I'll try it on!" Sarah says excitedly, taking the dress and marveling at the fabric before she went to the changing area and began to take off her clothes. She had four peices of her dress she took off, and pulled on the dress he had handed her. It didn't really feel like she was wearing enough but she made sure it was on before pulling the curtain aside and walked out. She was a little hippier and bustier then Alehial, broader as well but she was very similar. The dress was snug a bit around her hips, but it fit well everywhere else.

Korl started moving when she entered the changing area, moving the curtain and gazing at Sarah. The woman was beautiful, he felt desire flow through him. And when she exited the area he made his move, "It fits you well Sarah, you know Lord Soth allows his servants to service the other disciples." He grabbed her behind and squeezed her, he then pressed her to the wall. "Maybe I'll have you 'serve' me and if you tell him, who do you think he'd believe?"

Sarah had blushed softly at first and then she was shocked. She'd never before been so accosted, expesially not when there was someone there to stop the other person for her. "I think... You should get your hands off of me. This is neither the time nor the place for such actions." Sarah said softly in a rather calm voice. Though her body trembled beneath him, she stayed still and fought to not tense her entire body. "If you like... We can discuss this another time." She says working hard not to look towards him at all and simply stare at the wall. She was terrified and insulted yet, flattered a little too. More then all of that she had to figure out a way to let Galin know... in a manner that it wasn't a he said she said situation. She wished the other gaurd was there.

Korl saw her reaction and was assured in his mind that she wouldn't tell anyone. He brought his hand up and grabbed her breast, "Gods they feel wonderful why don't you open my pants and we pull that curtain again?" Timing it all perfectly, it would be at least twenty more minutes until Nolk arrived and he would give the old man twenty gold to keep his mouth shut. He hated his commander and of course the lies Soth had told him. Thats why he had been stealing money from the disciples coffers and planned on taking Soth's little toy.

"Perhaps if you squeezed them less harshly I-" Sarah stopped talking a moment and leaned back a little to look at Korl. That was it. She found her ticket. "Squeeze them more... Treat me a little roughly. Like Soth would." Sarah says trying to sound like she meant it. If she got bruised enough... she'd have her proof. She also had a plan to get this brute off of her. There were enough things in this store all she had to do was break away from this bufoon first. She needed to be patient and wait a little.

He unclasped his cloak, Sarah for a second noticed his disciples pin. It allowed for them to communicate and even open gate points for them to move between. Then he began to do as she said, he squeezed her breast harder and his other hand started to draw her new dress up. "Come on lovely, why don't you undo my pants and start handling me?" Right after he pressed his mouth to hers and rammed his tongue into her mouth.

Sarah let him kiss her but didn't respond much. It felt... slimey and gross and wrong and she felt more then a little violated. She broke from the kiss and dropped to her knees quickly. Have him beleive she was there to help him. That would all be good and fine. The pin gave her exactly what she needed. While on her knees she grabbed his cloak and stuffed it under her knees, it would make him think she was using it for cushions for her knees as if she intended to service him. She quickly grabbed the pin in her fingers though, hoping he wouldn't noticed.

Korl took her lowering to mean that she was going to service his needs. He began to unlace his pants and when the old man reappeared suddenly he tossed him the gold. "Give us twenty minutes kind sir." he implored and Anamad seemed to think they were together and went to the back. Turning his attention back to lovely Sarah and imaging how good her mouth would feel on him. Apparently, she was accustomed to practicing the elvish arts since she was using his cloak to pad her knees.

Sarah smiled softly, a hopefuly little smile as she got a good grip on the pin. She then shook her head. "I won't touch filth like you." She said in a deffiant tone. She clenched her jaw and teeth together, she fisted both hands to make her holding the pin look more natural. Even though the old man had come and gone, she wasn't going to submit easily and she needed something more then just a bruised breast to prove this man a liar. Other then the heavier change purse he had. She could see it was filled more then a common wages filling for the guild. Especially from down where she was.

Instantly he was angered and pulled her up to face him, "You little wench! You'll know how I feel inside you one way or another." Korl pressed her agianst a table and bent her over. One hand held her by the neck the other began fishing under her dress. He'd remove the underthings and take her by force, then disappear after. Using his leg he managed to wedge her legs apart.

Sarah decided she'd waited enough, she hit the pin and prayed it worked and sent someone to save her. "You couldn't win over a girl NOR buy one with the gold you've stolen could you?!" She said fighting against him now. Panic starting to rise up her throat through her chest. She reached one leg up and kicked out towards his leg, anything to get out from under him and against the table. Otherwise she really was in for it.

He fished his member out and tore her underthings, "Now you'll feel a real man inside you." He moved in to claim her when a noise caught his attention. The fist caught him in the face and next he hit the wall hard.

"You betraying, insignificant worm!" Soth bellowed into his face reaching down and hauling him to his feet. "You think you have the right to set your hands upon her?" Soth saw the terror in Korl's eyes, just as Korl saw his life was about to end. 'SNAP' the resounding sound of Soth snapping Korls neck like a twig, it echoed in the shop. More men appeared as Soth dropped Korl's lifeless body to the floor, then turning to see to Sarah.

Sarah had braced for the worst and when Korl's body weight was gone she fell to her butt and held her arms close to her chest. She was shaking but not crying. She was working very hard at that. She had watched it all happen because she couldn't... not watch. She'd seen death before and she'd seen men die but never because of her... or never because they had attacked her. She tried to get up but her leg's wouldn't let her, she tried to work on just calming down but her breast ached and her face felt sore from being pushed to the table so harshly.

The part of him that was Soth, gave way to Galin as he moved to her. "Sarah are you alright?" he asked wrapping an arm around her. He noted the pin in her hand, it had been the panic that called to him. "Very smart Sarah, you did right to call for me. He won't harm you ever, no one will." Galin looked back, Korl failed his test and Sarah proved she was loyal only to him.

"I'm sorry I caused you so much trouble..." Sarah says softly into his clothed shoulder. As soon as he had wrapped an arm around her she had clung to him. She was still shaking and she was fighting desperatly to keep the tears from falling. She wasn't weak, and it was stupid of her to get so rattled about this. But... she did because she didn't think Galin would come for her, She hadn't thought he cared. She shook against him and breathed deeply on his scent and against his body. She didn't say anything else, she didn't think she really could.

The other disciples gather up Korl's body they would take care of disposing of the corpse. Nolk had appeared and took the sack of coins off of Korl, he said nothing about the situation. Anamad was found and paid again to remain silent, and he came back out to Galin and Sarah. 

"Is there anything else you need from her, for the dresses?" Soth asked him.

"No sir, I believe, if I may give her more room in a few places all should be well." the tailor informed him.

"I will leave a man here to pay for and collect them when you are done." He then turned his attention to Sarah. "Come Sarah, we'll return home and wait for them to finish." he said softly. Gently lifting her up and holding her close. They began to walk back to the gate location, Soth knew Sarah could not ever learn the truth of her test. And that is why when they were near he was Galin to her.

Sarah nodded her head and she still shook a little but she was doing her best to remain calm and get herself back under control. She was grateful he was caring for her and being so gentle about everything. She didn't think she would have been able to handle everything on her own. She couldn't beleive he was still going to let her... or rather choose her to be with him. Not only that but he was still going to get her a full wardrobe.

Galin activated his pin, unlike the others his worked anywhere, and ushered her through the portal. In an instant they were back in his chambers, and he set her upon his bed. Picking up one of his shirts, he came back & helped her to stand. "Let me help you remove the dress and put this on you." He removed the dress and the ruined underthings, then dressed her in the shirt and set her back onto the bed.

Sarah helped through everything he was 'helping' her through, as well. Once out of her ruined things and into his shirt she sat on his bed on the edge, she wasn't trembling anymore but she didn't look much better either. She was still pale and she was holding herself very still and not even taking a deep breaths, just shallow even ones.

"What did he say to you Sarah?" Galin asked kneeling to look her in the eyes. Korl's mouth had gotten him into trouble before, and in truth Galin took a grim pleasure in killing him. "What I said was true, no one will harm you while I can stop them." he placed his hands on her hips. The bragert must have said something very threatening to rattle her like this. "You do understand, my dove, I am not angry in any way with you, for you did nothing wrong." he took one of her hands and held it.

"That...I did okay? You're... not mad?" Sarah asks looking down at him, she was trying very hard to continue being brave and to not break down. She wanted to be strong for him, so he could be proud of her and want her near him. But it was hard, she'd never before been treated like that or been in situations such s that one. Her face hurt and her breast ached, she hurt from the rough treatment, and the frightening situation. "Galin... you would never... have me service anyone else would you?" She asks softly worried about the situation actually happening. She'd never heard of Soth taking any female at all since his ressurection.

He looked plainly at Sarah, Korl had inferred that it was ok for her to please him. "I will be very honest with you Sarah, I covet you and what you've done for me." he said trufully. The thought that he would allow a common soldier to recieve pleasure from his consort was laughable. "No man has my permission touch you, or even ask you to pleasure him if he values his life." He produced a small healing draught and placed it to her lips, "this will lessen your discomfort little bird."

Sarah nods her head and opens her mouth, wrapping her lips around the lip of the bottle and drinking the liquid as he tipped the vial up for her to drink it. Once she'd swallowed it all she felt much better and refreshed, nothing hurt or ached other then her chest, or rather her heart. "You... You'd never share me?" She asked meekly, wanting clarification straight from his lips. Her hand was over his holding the vial, she needed some kind of physical touch to ground her.

"The teachers from Shadizar are the only people who would be allowed to touch you, with your permission of course. I will never give a man my little dove." he held her eyes as he spoke. Granted she was a daliance to pacify his urges, but he still refused to share her with anyone. Galin glanced at her body outlined by his shirt, and resisted the urge to possess her immediately. "After a time, your clothes will arrive and we can leave for Shadizar."

"I understand Galin. I won't let you down I promise." Sarah says softly with a slightly watery smile. She clutched the fabric of his shirt between her breasts with her hand, trying to get the rough touches of Korl out of her mind. "Should I prepare anything else? Or... is there no more need for me right now?" sarah asks her voice soft and she hated to ask but didn't want to get in the way of any work he might need to do.

"My preperations have been completed and I'd rather spend time banishing that fool from your memory." he explained. He knew Korl was stealing from him, but didn't think the man was that stupid. "Here you should rest while they finish your wardrobe." Galin slid his hands up her hips and laid her back to rest. As he pulled the shirt back into place, "Is there anything you want before you rest?"

"You've given me more then my wildest dreams ever could Galin." She says softly with a small smile on her lips, she laid and relaxed completely. She trusted him and his words completely, without thought or impulse that he might not be all he said he was. Taking a deep breath she closes her eyes and it wasn't long before she was asleep, resting easy and trustingly.

Once she was asleep he went to his writing desk and wrote a quick order.  Korl is to be resurected, then handed over to Master Caliban. Death is too easy a punishment for what he has done against his Lord. I wish to be notified once it has been completed.  Caliban would know what to do and since Lash was ready to deploy with his second and third, he would be able to do it.

Caliban and Angie waited over the sleeping forms of Shadow and Lash. The latter woke with a start. "What happened?" Caliban demanded. They all watched as Shadow literally turned to ash and crumbled. Lash looked dumbfounded and a little concerned that he might be next.

"He underestimated the damned Ravenwoods is what happened." Angie says with a grin on her lips at the concern on Lash's face. Though she had no grudge against Shadow she didn't much care if he lived or died. As she was now directly beneath Lash, her old orders didn't stand for her to Serve Caliban quite so reverently anymore.

Caliban regarded her for a moment, "They did, but they did not fail. The master wished them confused and in chaos. And they did well, now Lash you and your third will depart for Venir to begin causing chaos." A guard appeared with a note and disappeared quickly after delivering it. "Angie, the bundle on the table is yours, take it and your master and leave."

Lash was about to ask about Shadow, when he felt Shadow impress into his mind. "So, Angie you are my third now?" he grinned at her. "We won't have any problem about 'position' will we? I need coffee and perhaps some bread, then we will have to make some plans." Sitting up, he wondered if playing with her was a smart idea. But, he was in Soth's favor and didn't fear much from anyone.

Angie ground her teeth and went to the door ordering a slave to bring Lash the food he requested. Once that was done she goes to the table and the bundle. "I am your third now... sir. And there will be no problems." Angie said before opening the bundle enough for her to see what was inside of it. Once Lash's food arrives and he finished they were off to Venir. She wasn't about to go against Soth's orders even if she was supposed to follow Lash's.

Lash tore into the food and drink, oblivious to the bundle of three wands of block the seed. "I don't know which I hate more, Asper or her husband. Without him though she wouldn't have been able to escape." As he eat he watched Angi, while again not a beauty there was nothing wrong with her. And he could order her from time to time into his bed, working for Soth was a good choice so far. But, now he would have to wait for Shadow to pull back together to rejoin this merry band. "So, I'm thinking about raiding merchant caravans, what are your thoughts?"

"That it would serve Soth better to convert as many of the Venirians to the way of the Sothites and into our ranks, then to plunder and kill them all for the sake of simple carnage and freedom. But it is up to you Sir, what it is we do other then strict orders from Soth himself." Angie quickly placed the bundle into her pack, she was not happy about the case that she would need them. But she did and she had chosen this way herself. If it got her revenge and helped Soth all the better. She ran her fingers down the scar that covered from near temple to her collarbone. Most of the time it kept men from wanting her. Lash was apparently not one of those men. She was as tall as he was and while not as broad she was more then likely about able to do as much as he could. Added powers and tampering not withstanding of course.

"Venir has refused the guild, and so that is why we go to cause mischief. Perhaps hit a prisoner transport, and swell the ranks after they swear fealty to Soth. But, better also to swell the coffers of our lord that he may build guildhouses. Maybe even kidnap and ransom, it would be helpful to the cause of the guild even." As he spoke he came up behind Angi and placed a hand upon her.

"If you are finished shall we then go sir?" She asks stepping away from him and shrugging off his hand. Her eyes were cold and hard just like normal for her. She let her hand fall from the scar as she moved away. All Lash had said was true enough and sounded good enough to her. With that in mind as she was armored and lethal already and she had her pack she didn't know exactly what they were waiting on, since he was finished with his food and drink apparently.

"I need to supply and talk over some critical issues with our master. You also need clothes for a Venirian woman including the collar. Do you know anything of Venir's laws and customs?" He commented casually looking back to where Shadows remains finally turned to dust. They would be reunited again as soon as Shadow pulled together again. 

Angie scowled deeply, it was obvious she knew exactly what he was implying. "I know most of them. The clothes will have to be taken care of there. I'm not exactly the same commen female most shops sell clothing for." Angie said raising her eyebrow almost mockingly, she was almost six feet tall herself and she wasn't as shapely as well say Soth's recent favorite servant girl. In fact she wasn't shapely much at all, just... tall and long and well muscled. Of course if she was to be his 'slave' then it meant she would not be armored or have her weapons. "How am I to aid you in a raid against a caravan if I am your 'slave'. Sir." she asks dryly.

"To pick the perfect place to start, blend in with your targets. Find the best one and then when the time is right, strike. We must find a base of operations and begin building a force loyal to Soth then start filling coffers. Do you have a better idea? Or perhaps a question, like what about your armor and weapons?" Lash hoped if she was assigned to him that she would make him work for respect, even if he did intend to order her submission every so often.

"I'll never be completely unarmed. There're female slaves allowed ta wear a dagger, at my height and build no one'll begrudge more then one. Armor is a good point. Seeing as I'll be nothing more then yer slave. Sir. As I am not in a leading position it's up ta you ta decide how we proceed." Angie says with a shrug of her shoulders. Her arms crossed over her chest and she stared at him, trying to keep her gaze from being the cold hatred she felt for the bastard. Like hell she'd ever see him as her true supierior.

"Good now strip Angie, I wish to see if there is anything we need to change." he ordered. He was making a list of supplies and figuring it to be a rule of ten in dividing spoils. Soth would give him anyother rules he must follow. Perhaps he would talk a wizard into parting with a hat of disguise. Lash knew she hated him with a cold fire, right now he would make her bend then forge a partnership that would be very successful.

"There're no changes ta be made ta me. If you don't like it then you can stuff it n' I'll go as a man." Angie scowls, she was not taking off all her armor and weapons so he could look at her nude body to 'change' it the way he wanted it. She'd be damned if she let him do that, he'd just have to work with what he had, and be content cause she wasn't budging unless she had a direct order from Soth, unless she needed to do some real sneaking around.

"Lord Soth I assume explained that number three does what number one says correct?" he stared hard at her. "Parts of my plans depends on how well the female part can entice, and minus your scar which can be handled. Thusly, STRIP you unsufferable shrew of a woman. Right now I have no interest in plunging into you nethers, but if you keep defying me I will get Soth's permission and rail upon you for hours!" He folded his arms and refocused his gaze, his eyes seemed to shine almost.

"Nice imagery." She scowls and unbuckles her weapons. placing them on the table. Even Caliban hadn't been this... aggravating, mostly because Caliban got off on hurting others and not women. She didn't look at Lash again knowing the look in her eyes right now would have him raining all kinds of shit on her parade. She wore men's clothing to the T and it suited her, she didn't look like much of a woman. Nor did she act like one. Once she was down to her under things she didn't wear anything under the pants prefuring just to not to unless she was on her monthly cycle, or breasts were bound tightly with material, she had hips but not much of a flair to them, and with her chest bound... well other then not having a penis she looked like a man. There were also enough Scars to rival any man's battle scar collection. Small light ones large dark ones. She had a six pack of lean muscle and was toned all over. There was barely any hint of womanly 'softness' to her.

He walked around her, pulling the material to unbind her breasts. On occasion he touched a scar or two and commented absently. Stopping in front of her and inspecting her abdominal area. "You do keep yourself in shape, I suppose it may be believeable that I find the entire package rather exotic. You understand that while scouting targets you will have to be submissive like the women of Venir?"

"why not ask Soth for a hat of disguise? Or let me buy a make up kit to cover it. Believe it or not, I have some skill at disguising that which is undesirable by normal men." Angie offers the slight insult at the end not as sharp as most. She could act like a Venirian if she had to but right now she didn't need to. She didn't like being exposed but she didn't mind too much. There were more scars on her breasts. Small white ones as if glass or some kind of small incision made all over her skin. It was obvious she was tortured once before, it explained some of her hostility. She knew exactly what she looked like nude. She wasn't exactly desirable fully nude though, and she wouldn't mind hiding it for the sake of their ploy.

"Capital idea Angie, and one I believe I shall use. And don't believe you are undesirable in fact the scars speak of power of will and that will serve well." He reached out and touched the scar on her face tracing its route down. "Tell me where is the one who placed these upon you?" he asked in earnest. An idea formed in his mind on how to make this little partnership less hostile and more benefical.

Angie slapped his hand away from her scar. "Dead... in peices and fed to starving slaves in small parcels." She answers her tone empty of emotion and hard like steel. "I don't care about men's desires... Sir." Angie says folding her arms over her still rather smallish breasts. For her it was simlpy easier to bind them, they got in the way... at least that's what she thought about it.

He took her chin tightly in his unnaturally strong grip. "Perhaps later you will tell me the story of what happened. For now while I speak to Soth, retrive another travelers pack, two whips and a short sword. Then we will depart for Venir, a small city named Kelos it moves quite a bit of goods and has a small garrison prison. A merchant there I used to work for once, oh, feel free to dress."

"Thank you... Sir I may not have done it otherwise." Angie says sarcastically bending down and grabbing her trousers first pulling them up and fastening them. She got dressed quickly and was soon off in search of what he asked for. She brought it all together in Caliban's torture room, where she had left her own things. She stood over the packs and the weapons waiting for Lash to return.

He hadn't been gone very long, Soth was preparing to visit Shadizar with his staff. The discussion had been quick with him hastily agreeing to most eveything Lash proposed. "We have been given leave to depart and also given this." he produced a ring which he tossed to Angie. "It mimics a hat of disguise and we don't have to worry about it coming off. Disguise your scars and add a little to your breasts, other than that we should be on our way."

"Yes Sir." Angie puts the ring on and concentrates on her skin being smooth and her breasts being at least a handful sized. Once that was done she grabbed her pack and slung it on her back easily enough. "Let's go then sir." She said waiting for him to grab his own things so they could leave and head to their destination.

"Lord Soth has arranged for several gate points in Venir, we are heading for Kelos. Once there we will arrange for clothes, but I managed to find this for you while we are in civilized areas." He turned and placed a Venirian collar around her neck. It would keep men from accosting her, since it meant she was a wife or slave to another man. "When we attack or any time we are alone feel free to remove it." he commented hefting up his own equipment.

Angie scowls heavily at the feel of the collar around her neck. But she nods in understanding none the less. She would do her duty and as much as she hated it she would keep an eye on him for any hints of betrayel. In which she wouldn't hesitate to rip his heart out of his chest. In fact she might even enjoy it. "Thank you for the kind consideration Sir. I'll be sure to remember to take it off." she says.

He walked them to the area of Caliban's complex where the gates opened and closed. "As we gather new troops we will have to bring them to take the oaths, first to Soth and secondly to me. At the same time we can equip them and turn in any monies due the master." he did some mental calculations as he spoke. "I would prefer to at somtime fill at least half of this room with recruits." his tone was hopeful and tinged with swagger. He activated his pin and opened up the gate to Kelos, Venir.

"After you then oh wise visionary, Sir." Angie said with an amused grin, she was sure they would go swimmingly well because most men would be in it to make the money and better treatment then they could get in thier own lands. It wouldn't surprise her if at some point or another they nearly filled the room with recruits.

Sarah awoke hearing Galin talking to himself saying something about a painting. He was pacing about the room around luggage and stopped to regard her when he finished talking. "I see you are awake, how do you feel?" he asked crossing to her. Placing a hand against her cheek, he looked deeply into her eyes. He wondered if the attempted assualt would make her fearful and timid.

Sarah smiled brightly at him, he looked concerned and it warmed her from the hand on her cheek down to her curling feet. "Much better." She says softly looking up into his eyes, she was blushing again but how could she not with her love before her concerned of her wellfare and now right before her at her side? She didn't bother with what he had been doing before, it wasn't any of her business probably.

Galin sat on the bed beside her, "It is your choice if you decide to remain with me." He wouldn't ask her to continue serving him if she was fearful. If she wasn't desiring to remain with him, he would find another slave to handle him. "I will do my best to keep such a thing from ever happening to you again." He took her hand and squeezed it again encouraging her to be honest with him.

"I... May not be the bravest... or a warrior. But... If I can help you even a little bit my lord. Then I want to stay by your side. If you say you'll do your best then... I know you speak the truth." Sarah says with a bright and optimistic smile on her face, leaning her cheek and head into his large warm hand. This was like a dream come true for her, to have a man like him so caring towards her.

"When you are ready we will get you changed into other clothes and leave for Shadizar." he told her. Standing he went to get her something to drink and returned shortly. His newest plan for the overall plan, was using Flint but, not in anyway that would cause any problems. He placed the tea cup in her hands. "When you are ready, I will find something for you to wear."

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2010-08-17 [Nuktae-tal]: now your supposed to edit it and put something in here you know?

2010-08-18 [Sheamus Finn]: You can add parts for henchmen anywhere you like....

2010-08-18 [Nuktae-tal]: alright but give me some direction... as a henchman operator what should I be doing? Reporting? gathering?

2010-09-08 [Nuktae-tal]: should I be in there or are you?

2010-09-08 [Sheamus Finn]: Yeah, I left you Ileeana. And since Mu was your idea. Would the divine one allow the guild?

2010-09-08 [Nuktae-tal]: mmmm problably... as long as it was a small one.

2010-09-09 [Nuktae-tal]: okay you can continue lol

2010-09-14 [Sheamus Finn]: Ice Cream? wow.

2010-09-14 [Nuktae-tal]: hey the ravenwoods get it... I figure meh he bought a wand of ice or something lol

2010-09-14 [Nuktae-tal]: um... yesh not much I can ost more then she moans and thrashed about there...

2010-09-14 [Sheamus Finn]: What?

2010-09-15 [Nuktae-tal]: ... Sarah... isn't going to be saying anything...

2010-09-16 [Sheamus Finn]: Um, could you have her say yes or something. He's good but, not a mind

2010-09-16 [Nuktae-tal]: she is waiting for him to be done with his conversation first... she doesn't know when he's done either.

2010-09-16 [Sheamus Finn]: What happened with To Sildea?

2010-09-16 [Nuktae-tal]: I don't know... I posted to it...

2010-09-16 [Nuktae-tal]: okay and now?

2010-09-22 [Nuktae-tal]: I can't post to that if the magic hit her she'd be thrown not only against the wall but knocked unconcious as well.

2010-09-22 [Sheamus Finn]: Sorry, I'll fix it.

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